Page 42 - بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
P. 42

‫ يوقف ختدمة التلنت‬Stop the service 5

                                                          ‫إصطياد المشاكل‬
‫م التلنت‬.‫يبين الجدول التالي بعض المشاكل التي يمكن أن تصواجههك عند إستخدا‬

‫الحل‬                                  ‫السبب‬                                                              ‫رسالة الخطاء‬

‫راجهع الخيارات وأعد كتابة ختيارك‬      ‫القيمة المكتوبة لم تصكن مقبولة‬                                     Invalid input

‫شغل ختدمة التلنت‬                      ‫ختدمة التلنت غير مشتغلة‬         Failed to open the
                                                                              registry key

‫ختدمة التلنت غير مشتغلة على الملقم شغل الخدمة‬                         Failed to query the
                                                                             registry value

                                                                                            ‫عميل التلنت‬

    You can use Microsoft Telnet Client to connect to a remote computer
     running the Telnet service or other Telnet server software. Once you

         have made this connection, you can communicate with the Telnet
      server. The type of session you conduct depends on how the Telnet
 software is configured. Communication, games, system administration,

                 .and local logon simulations are some typical uses of Telnet

     The Telnet client uses the Telnet protocol, part of the TCP/IP suite of
  protocols, to connect to a remote computer over a network. The Telnet

    client software allows a computer to connect to a remote server. You
    can use the Telnet client provided with Windows 2000 to connect to a
 remote computer, log on to the remote computer, and interact with it as

                                                           .if you were sitting in front of it

Users of previous versions of Microsoft's Telnet client may notice a few
 changes in the version included with Windows 2000. The most obvious

                change is that Microsoft Telnet Client is now a command-line
        application rather than a Windows application. As a command-line
    application, Microsoft Telnet Client will seem very familiar to users of

                                                                  .UNIX-based Telnet clients

        An important new feature found in Microsoft Telnet Client is NTLM
  authentication support. Using this feature, a computer using Microsoft
Telnet Client can log on to a Windows 2000 computer running the Telnet

                                                .service by using NTLM authentication

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