Page 13 - MSE Group - About Us
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STRATEGIC POSTION IN THE SUPPLIER MARKET LANDSCAPE                                                                    SERVICE RISK AND QUALITY                       CERTICATES OF CURRENCY
                                                                                                                            MANAGEMENT                                      MSE Group have Certificates of Currency for the following liabilities;
       KEY COMPANY STRATEGIES (3-5 YEARS)   5. Investing in our Talent.
                                                                                                                            MSE Group has a 27 page Management Plan which
                                            Our employees are the ‘heartbeat’ of our
                                                                                                                            features plans on the following;                  Workers Compensation Insurance
       The key to our growth strategy is to be    business and with direct contact to our valued                               Security and Crowd Management                 Public Liability Insurance
       deliberate.                          clients, we continue to hire and invest in                                         Traffic Management                            Professional Indemnity Insurance
                                            people who are motivated and inspired by our                                       Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA)          Entertainment & Event Liability Insurance
       1. Developing our value proposition.   company’s value proposition. At MSE Group,                                       Waste Management                              Products Liability Insurance
       Our focus is to sustain long-term growth,    Training and Development is paramount in                                   Emergency Management Plan                     Management Liability Insurance
       paying particular attention to what sets us   keeping up with the trends. Throughout the                                Emergency Management Personnel
       apart from the competition. We will continue to   past 24 months, 5 of our employees have                               Emergency Management Processes             All relevant certificates can be provided upon request.
       identify why customers come to us for our    undertaken (with the support of MSE Group)                                 Incident Reporting Process
       products and services ensuring our focus is to   further education.                                                     Lost Person Procedure
       be relevant, different and credible in the                                                                              Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment
       marketplace.                         MEMBERSHIPS & AFFILIATIONS                                                         Offender Description Form

                                                                                                                               Bomb Threat Procedure and Checklist
       2. Identifying our ideal customer.

       MSE Group is in the business to solve
                                                                                                                            ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & SAFETY MANAGEMENT
       problems for our clientele providing  a
                                                                                                                            Our 30 page OH&S Management Procedures document
       ‘one-stop-shop’ service with our core values
                                                                                                                            outlines the following;
       adhered to of honesty, integrity and respect.   The PCO Association is the leading body                                 Policy Statements
       Based on these core values we will continue   representing the interests of Professional
                                                                                                                               Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
       to identify and evaluate who our ‘ideal    Conference Organisers and Event Managers
                                                                                                                               Safe Operating Procedures
       Customer’ are that share these same values.    in Australia and New Zealand.
                                                                                                                               Annual Audit OH&S Checklist

                                                                                                                               Hazardous Substance & Dangerous Goods Register
       3. Key Performance Indicators        The Association aims to increase the standard
                                                                                                                               Manual Handling Risk ID Checklist
       Our business unit KPI’s are always    of professionalism of its members and
                                                                                 The Australasian Promotional Products         New Staff Induction Checklist
       measurable ensuring we can consistently    promote a better understanding of the roles,
                                                                                 Association (APPA) is the only professional      Volunteer/Visitor Induction Checklist
       measure change. Our KPI’s are constantly   functions and contributions of Professional
                                                                                 trade association specifically for the        Safety Management Checklist
       reviewed identifying which key indicators    Conference Organisers and Event Managers
                                                                                 promotional products and promotional          Electrical Testing & Tagging
       affect the growth of our business, then    in the conference and event sector.
                                                                                 marketing industry in the Australasian region.   Register
       dedicate time and money to those areas.
                                                                                 APPA was established in 1986 and              Incident Investigation

                                                                                 incorporated in 1988. We promote the           Procedure
       4. Competition Awareness
                                                                                 development, integrity, professionalism and      Information outlining our formal
       At MSE Group we constantly look toward
                                                                                 creativity of the advertising form dedicated to   Health & Safety responsibilities,
       similar businesses that are growing in new
                                                                                 promotional products and promotional           including names, titles and
       and unique ways evaluating the following;
                                                                                 marketing ensuring good business practices     contact details can be found on Page
       Who are our competitors?             MEA is a national, independent not for profit
                                                                                 and the highest industry and community         3 of the OH&S Management
                                            organisation dedicated to servicing the needs
                                                                                 standards.                                     Procedures document.
                                            of the meetings & events industry and
                                                                                                                               EHS Training is provided to employees on
                                            promoting professionalism and excellence in
                                                                                                                                a yearly basis via our Toolbox Safety Sessions.
                                            all aspects of meetings and event
                                                                                                                                A register of our training can be provided upon
                                            management. It also promotes the value and
                                            effectiveness of meetings and events as an

                                            important high-yield sector of business travel

                                            and tourism.

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