Page 8 - MSE Group - About Us
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We'll have you covered if trouble strikes while From concept to implementation,
you're on the go. Our team has access to live administration to fulfillment. MSE Events
Our online Travel Management system
global travel alerts for everything from airline Group continues to provide a range of
SerkoOnline is proven to create value for our
strikes to natural disasters, and if you happen services and products that reflect, enhance
Corporate Clients as outlined on page 9 of this
to be on the other side of the world, don't and achieve the goals and aspirations of you,
worry, your Travel Manager and the support our valued client.
team is available to help you out.
Our level of service to our clients is
Partnerships are what we pride ourselves on.
unparalleled. The fact that we are a ‘boutique’
TRANSFERS It’s been our ability to work together in
Event Management Agency allows us to
providing what is right for you that ensures
provide a personal end-to-end service. These
All required transfers are handled by the MSE that together your Events are built to be the
values include;
Events Group Staff and not outsourced. From ‘benchmarks’ for Events in your Industry.
the moment your Delegates arrive at the
airport, they begin to build an instant rapport
We believe people are what make the
with our staff ensuring they arrive at the
difference which is why great service is at the
event in a positive mood.
heart of everything we do. We get to know you
and your business to provide solutions that
Ample staff is always allocated to ensure your
are tailored to your needs.
guests are all met personally when they arrive.
Our Travel Manager for all events is Letitia
Potashnyk. Letitia’s experience in the travel
industry along with her proven track record
At the completion of each event that MSE
with previous conferences, means that when
Events Group has managed, the following
you or your clients pick up the phone there'll
evaluation reporting process is conducted;
be an expert on the other end. That service
doesn’t stop when the Delegates arrive on the
In conjunction with the nominated Client
ground at the Event destination, it continues
ACCOMMODATION Team Lead, a Delegate Event Scorecard
right until they arrive safely back home.
is developed and distributed electronical-
MSE Events Group offers a complete and ly utlising our internal Software System
comprehensive accommodation service that MSEContactForm.
If you're on the other side of the world and the
will ensure the stress is left to us.
unexpected occurs, no worries, our nominated
Once the Delegate Event Scorecards are
Travel Manager (TM) is on the ground at each
Our specialist team have already worked on completed, a summary matrix is
event. The Travel Manager has got access to
identifying a range of accommodation options populated and provided to our client.
your program and preferences and are ready
that will suit the budgets, tastes and locations.
to keep your itinerary ticking over no matter
A Client Evaluation Report Card is then
where you are or what time it is.
Our extensive and comprehensive database developed and a meeting is scheduled
of suitable accommodation and conference with both the Program Director (MSE)
venues has ensured that we have only and the client Team Lead/s. A 360-
provided what is suitable to meet your needs. degree Feedback session is then
MSE Events Group fully manages the risk for conducted and the appropriate reports
you. Using our knowledge and buying power fields are populated.
we negotiate very attractive rates.
The Client Evaluation Report Card is
then distributed to all relevant parties.