Page 6 - MSE Group - About Us
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                                                                                                                            MSE Events Group keeps up to date with key    MSE Group place a huge emphasis on ensuring the safety and well-being of our clients are at
                                                                                                                            technology trends in conferencing and events.   the forefront of any event we are associated with. From planning to implementation of any
                                                                                                                            Where appropriate, we will find the right fit for   event, risk assessments are conducted by our nominated and qualified staff. These staff have
                                                                                                                            your event, from live links during sessions to    experience in all critical facets of event management at major events, programs and
                                                                                                                            broadcasting on Twitter, as well as our new   activations.
                                                                               LETITIA POTASHNYK (Travel Manager)           ‘Media Manager’ software to communicate
                                                                               Letitia’s energy and high                    efficiently with your entire delegate group via   Whilst on ground, all MSE Group staff members are fully qualified and competent in delivering
                                                                               level of customer service                    text message.                          First Aid and CPR.
                                                                               has been at the forefront of
                                                                               her ability to deliver on our                MSE Events Group has recently purchased                                           Our team recently undertook
                                                                               clients travel needs. With                   the PollRunner Software. PollRunner is                                            refresher First Aid and CPR training
                                                                               an eye for the ‘little things’,              another initiative that can be easily
                                          DEDICATED EVENTS TEAM
                                                                               Letitia is driven to deliver the best possible   implemented complimentary at your

                                                                               results financially for our clients whilst not   Conference. This software application allows
                                          Introducing your MSE Events Group Team;
                                                                               compromising on the service and quality of the   us to create & run multi-question polls

                                                                               event.                                       anywhere anytime.
                                          DANIEL BELLISSIMO (Director)

                                          Daniel has been the Director of MSE Events
                                                                               PETER ZAFIRAKOS (Administration)             A poll can be created and serves instantly with
                                          Group since 2009, with his
                                                                               Peter’s role in providing                    a single tap to your Delegates. Share the vote
                                          primary focus directed
      INTEGRATED EVENTS AND TRAVEL        towards leading the fast             unrelenting support in                       link by email, iMessage, Twitter, Facebook or   END TO END EVENT LOGISTICS
      MANAGEMENT                          growing Events Division of           executing at the back                        by projecting it onto an external screen.
                                                                               end of the project, is                       Monitor the results in real-time as respondents
                                          the business. With over 15                                                                                               Whether it’s an elite gathering for 20 or a fully staged conference for thousands, MSE Events
      MSE Events Group offers a ‘one-stop-shop’                                crucial to helping ease the                  submit their votes.
                                          years’ experience in the                                                                                                 Group adopts the same level of creative planning and logistical expertise to ensure our clients
      for all your event and travel management                                 unnecessary burden placed
                                          Automotive Industry coupled                                                                                              Event is an unqualified success.
      requirements. MSE Group will manage your                                 on event organisers in the                   Voters do not need the PollRunner app to
                                          with his role as Program Director for the
      specific components under the guidance and                               Corporate World. A true professional with an   participate in a poll. Once they have the
                                          Goodyear Autocare, Dunlop Super Dealer and                                                                               Different clients have different needs, so each program is researched by our Project Team
      leadership of the nominated event manager.                               eye for detail, Peter’s true passion is to make   unique web-link for a poll, participants can
                                          Beaurepaires National Conferences, Daniel                                                                                with specific criteria in mind. The same thought process is applied to the selection of keynote
                                                                               ‘life easier’ for our clients.               submit their votes through any web browser
                                          provides the necessary leadership and                                                                                    speakers, audio visual and multimedia requirements, staging and theme functions.
      All elements of an your event are covered with                                                                        on any connected device. PollRunner lets you
                                          expertise to lead your event.
      a central budget point to ensure complete                                CONSISTENT STAFFING LEVELS                   create multiple choice (pick one answer),
                                                                                                                                                                   From Phuket to Hawaii to our own very special backyard Australia - MSE Events Group has
      transparency of the event spend.                                         (Not reliant on Contractors)                 multiple select (pick multiple answers), ranking
                                          CHRIS BEAYNI (Operations Manager)                                                                                        planned and staged memorable conferences for a vast cross section of Corporate Clients
                                                                               MSE Events Group prides itself on providing   (reorder answers), freeform text & star-rating
                                          Having joined the MSE Team in 2014, Chris                                                                                since 2004.
                                                                               personalised service from start to finish. At no   questions.
                                          plays the crucial role of
                                                                               stage in the process is the management of
                                          leading the operations team                                                                                              MSE Events Group has proven knowledge and expertise to successfully plan, manage and
                                                                               your event outsourced to contractors. The
                                          including those in the Support                                                                                           implement a program designed to meet your company’s unique, individual needs. MSE Events
                                                                               dedicated events team outlined above are
                                          Group. Chris’ passion for                                                                                                Group provide the professional experience and expertise to ensure the smooth delivery of a
                                                                               there to provide you with all the necessary
                                          Customer Service, developed                                                                                              successful conference that will help you control your costs, increase participants’ satisfaction,
                                                                               support both in the lead up to the event and
                                          in his time as a Cruise                                                                                                  impress your industry and colleagues and vastly simplify your role as host.
                                                                               then whilst on the ground throughout the
                                          Director on various vessels
                                                                               event. This offering is what sets us a part from
                                          including market leader Princess Cruises, is
                                                                               many other PCO’s who typically outsource
                                          crucial to the execution of the Event.
                                                                               support staff whilst on the ground.

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