Page 7 - MSE Group - About Us
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                                                                                                                            (Talent Management)                    The MSE Events Group Team are personally familiar with an entire range of potential venues
                                                                                                                            The process of booking a motivational    throughout Australia and around the world: hotels, resorts, conference, convention & exhibition
                                                                                                                            speaker, celebrity speaker, MC, or corporate   centres, theatres, retreats, cruise ships, race tracks, fair grounds, amusement & theme parks,
                                                                                                                            event entertainment can be challenging; MSE   clubs, restaurants, schools & universities, museums & galleries, country properties, bunkers
                                                                                                                            Events Group have a proven track record of   and barns.
                                                                                                                            being attentive to your requests and ensure
                                                                               BRAND EXPERIENCE ACTIVATIONS                 that you are well informed through every step   We evaluate the contenders for your event on the basis of the myriad of points (see below)

                                                                                                                            of the process.                        that need to be considered before finalising the venues offered for your selection.
                                                                               Our starting point for any Brand Activation, will
                                                                               be to work closely with your team to truly    Over the past 24 months, MSE Events Group      Gather event history, goals, and parameters
                                                                               understand your needs and objectives. From   has managed well over 100+ Events,        Create Custom Request For Proposal (RFP) and submit to all potential venues
                                                                               this, we can undertake the following;        providing us the opportunity to provide you      Collect proposals and identify venues that best meet your event requirements
                                                                                                                            ‘our valued client’ the best possible advice      Present results and collaborate on selections
                                          Our list of services for exhibitors and clients      Designing a creative brand activation   when it comes to securing a speaker, MC or       Detailed contract negotiation and cost savings
                                          includes;                                concept                                  entertainment.
                                             Develop a vision for the exhibition space      Developing an effective and pro-active                               At MSE Events Group, it is our duty to ensure we
                                             Develop and distribute a trade exhibition   project strategy                  The aim is to keep it relevant and fresh for the   provide the perfect marriage of both cost control
                                             prospectus                           Creating an actionable critical path     demographics of your Conference Group.    and creativity.
                                             Develop creative floor plans that    through the activation process
                                             maximise exposure for exhibitors      Delivering an on-track and within-budget   TECHNICAL PRODUCTION
                                             Appoint an exhibition build company   activation project                      Providing the right AV and technical support is
      An Exhibition space is often the networking      Develop email campaigns to prospective      Undertaking a detailed and professional   crucial to the outcome of your Event. With the
      hub for any event. With the right floor plan it   sponsors or exhibitors.    risk management analysis                 support of the nominated AV Company, MSE
      can be an engaging and inviting space. MSE      Manage all enquiries and sales of the                                Events Group will ensure that the presentation
      Events Group will work with exhibitors, venue   trade booths, and arrange registration of                             process is done with a minimum of fuss.
      & suppliers to maximise the flow of delegates   exhibition representatives.
      throughout & create ample opportunities for      Manage all exhibition bookings and                                  Finding the right AV support is
      communicating.                         arrangements with contractors and                                              always hard and an area that
                                             participating companies.                                                       financially seems to take the greatest
      From the moment exhibitors commit to       Prepare all Exhibition related collateral.                                hit. Our support and expertise in this
      participate in your event, our level of attention      Provide on-site management for the                            area will ensure that you as our client will
      and logistical support offered is second to   exhibition including bump in & bump out.                                be provided with the best possible solution
      none.                                  Co-ordinate catering within the trade                                         eliminating all the potential technical pitfalls.
      MSE Events Group has a strong reputation   exhibition for delegates and exhibitors.
      providing ‘benchmark’ Tradeshow Events.       Prepare and distribute exhibitor Kits in                               Working with your nominated Project lead is
                                             conjunction with the conference venue.                                         crucial to ensuring no ‘short cuts’ are taken in
                                             Invoice and receipt all exhibition                                            the important presentation of the
                                             payments.                                                                      Conference content.
                                             Arrange freight forwarding and loading
                                             dock services.
                                             Manage booth construction and signage.
                                             Prepare on-line evaluation surveys for
                                             exhibitor/sponsors after the conference.

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