Page 17 - PITCH DECK- In the Mouth of the Wolf
P. 17

 The budget estimate for IN THE MOUTH OF THE WOLF is currently $􏰇􏰀􏰉 million􏰀 Coming􏰂of􏰂age dramas with similar budgets released in the past five years􏰀
  Budget􏰃 $􏰇􏰀􏰅 MM Worldwide Gross􏰃 $􏰈􏰅MM
Budget􏰃 $􏰄􏰀􏰄 MM Worldwide Gross􏰃 $􏰄􏰄MM
Budget􏰃 $􏰄􏰀􏰅MM Worldwide Gross􏰃 $􏰆􏰇MM
      Diversity and inclusion are central themes to our story􏰀 In this spirit􏰁 our creative team is committed to casting and hiring women and under􏰂represented persons whenever possible in order to facilitate on􏰂 and off􏰂screen representation􏰀 We understand that representation helps build a more diverse pipeline of talent and skill within the film industry􏰀

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