Page 18 - PITCH DECK- In the Mouth of the Wolf
P. 18

our film opens􏰁 Rain is 􏰅􏰆􏰁 the star of the local music conservatory — a big fish in a small pond􏰂 When
a star􏰀making role 􏰀 idealistic naïve tenor 􏰀 strong singer􏰇actor
Timothée Chalamet Aaron Tveit Alex Sharp James Onstad New Discovery
Raised in the wilds of New Mexico by free􏰀spirited earth􏰀loving moms􏰁 Rain spends his youth in a progressive bubble􏰁 naïve to the troubles that plague America􏰂 At the age of 􏰃􏰄􏰁 he sees his first opera LA TRAVIATA􏰁 and his romantic heart finds validation on the operatic stage􏰂 Despite his mothers’ view of opera as the ‘white􏰀man’ music of the colonialists􏰁 Rain’s interest leads to passion and dedication􏰂
he moves to New York􏰁 he discovers that he’s actually a very small opera singer in an overwhelming city􏰂 While Rain rebels against his liberal parents by seeking a structured path in opera􏰁 his journey is anything but􏰂 Rain’s sexual awakening transcends the binary label of gay and straight􏰂 In a world that constantly requires a definition􏰁 Rain’s identity uproots the conversation entirely􏰂 In the end􏰁 Rain’s rebellion against his liberal parents becomes the seed to his own self􏰀discovery􏰂 Rain may not become the opera singer of his dreams􏰁 but he certainly finds his voice􏰂

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