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                      Course Content and Tentative Teaching Schedule: Schedule updated as at 10  Sep 2020
                                    Topic        PIC           Coverage           Reading     Activity
                  1 (10/09)   Introduction to    JO   Course outline;            Preface,   Lecture,
                              physiology and          Background to Ex Phys and   Ch 2     micro-
                              human performance       Examining the important role         modules &
                              & Factors influencing   of Ex Phys on performance            discussion
                  2 (17/09)   Muscle Physiology   JO   Examining the role and    Ch 1, 2 &
                              and cross-bridge        function of blood vessels   3

                  3 (24/09)   Cardiovascular     JO   A discussion on chemical   Ch 6, 7 &
                              anatomy &               transformations that occur in   8
                              endothelial function    human cells to create energy
                   (01/10)                        Class Suspension – Mid-Autumn Festival

                              rgogenic a
                  4 (08/10)                                  s and   SW   Details on how nutritional,   Ch 16   Lecture,
                              exercise                psychological, or                    micro-
                              performance             pharmacological substances           modules &
                                                      can improve physiological            discussion
                                                      performance variables.
                  5 (15/10)*   Laboratory Class†    JO   Essentials of measurement in   Lab   Lab prep, Data
                                                      exercise testing through   Manual    collection &
                  6 (22/10) *   Laboratory Class†   JO   practicing within lab groups.     data analysis

                  7 (29/10)   High Intensity     SW   Students will learn how    Ch 1, 2, 3
                              Interval Training       aerobic, health &          & 5
                                                      performance benefits can be
                                                      attained from this popular
                                                      training method
                  8 (05/11)   Sports nutrition and   SW   Intro to general nutrition with   Ch 15   Lecture,
                              exercise                a focus on health & PA               micro-
                              performance                                                  modules &
                  9 (12/11)               Class Suspension – Graduation Ceremony           discussion
                  10 (19/11)   Physiological     SW   Students will learn how the   Ch 9-11
                              adaptations to          body changes as a result of
                              exercise training       exercise training. Changes
                                                      may include neural,
                                                      respiratory & cardiovascular
                  11 (26/11)   Thermoregulation   SW   An analysis of how to best   Ch 12, 13
                              and exercise            prepare for hot or cold
                              performance             conditions always with a view
                                                      to maximizing performance.
                  12 (03/12)   End of term exam   SW   MCQ’s based on class content   All   Quiz
                                                 &    and class readings         materials
                  13 (10/12)   Presentation of a   SW   Students will present a   (1) Ch18    Presentation
                              research paper     &    research paper of interest to   (3) Ch 2
                                                 JO   highlight their knowledge
                   *Lab classes will consist of virtual learning materials. “In-person” lab classes will be arranged ASAP, when it is safe
                   to do so. In addition, a practical lab demonstration/experience session will be available to all students in 2021.
                   †Tentative Date for submission of laboratory report: Monday December 7  @ 5pm

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