Page 7 - The HandPrint_Sept-Oct
P. 7


            By Darlena Holan, Global Application Services
                                                                 •  When prompted for your credentials, a) type
            The Box to SharePoint Online (SPO) transition has       gojo-net\ before your username as indicated in
            begun. As a reminder, this is part of a multi-year      the screenshot below, b) type your password,
            strategy to reduce the number of file sharing plat-     and c) choose OK
            forms for the Enterprise. SPO enables co-authoring
            which, allows multiple users to work on the same file
            simultaneously. Additionally, it’s easier to access
            than Box as it will be built into the way you work:
            •  Access via myGOJO
            •  Access via Windows Explorer (sync)
            •  Save directly to SPO from Microsoft Office
            •  Mobile Devices

            Around 100 pilot users have had their Box folders
            moved to SharePoint Online, and the audits have
            been completed to ensure all data was properly       •  Access your Collaborative File Sharing site from
            migrated. As the transition continues, users will be    myGOJO
            notified before their Box folders are moved to SPO.
                                                                                  Because the SharePoint Online
            Question: How do I access my SharePoint Online                        sites are in the Cloud, Internet
            sites?                                                                access is required; you do not
            Answer: Like Collaborative Workspaces that are                        need, however, to be on VPN.
            currently used, you will now also find a section on
   entitled “Collaborative File Sharing.”    Question: How do I learn how to use SharePoint
            As you are added to sites, they will appear under    Online sites?
            that section. Note: Users are encouraged to access  Answer: A reference guide is available within each
            their Collaborative File Sharing sites from myGOJO  SPO site which can be used to learn the features.
            even when working remotely.                          eLearning clips are in the development stage and
                                                                 will be made available soon. If you have questions
            HERE’S HOW:                                          in the meantime, be sure to contact an IT Help Desk
            From a GOJO Location:                                analyst by emailing
            •  Go to myGOJO
            •  Look for the Collaborative File Sharing section   Question: Is there a way that I can work with
                                                                 Collaborative File Sharing site files or folders without
                                                                 an Internet connection?
                                                                 Answer: Yes. A syncing tool will be deployed to
                                                                 GOJO-issued PCs which will enable you to work off-
                                                                 line. The synced files or folders will be housed on
                                                                 the hard drive of your PC, so be cautious and only
                                                                 sync what you need; you could inadvertently cause
                                                                 your PC to be slower or fill up your hard drive. Note:
                                                                 Be sure to remember to sync any needed files or
            •  Left-click on the name of a site to open it       folders ahead of time. An IT Help Desk tip entitled
                                                                 “Using OneDrive Sync to Work Off-Line” will be
            From a Remote Location using a GOJO-issued           provided to assist you with the procedure.
            or personal PC
            •  To access myGOJO, type http://                    Please submit terms for definition/clarification,
       in the  topics, or questions to be included in future “Ask IT”
                address bar of your browser                      columns to
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