Page 4 - The HandPrint_July-August
P. 4


                                           By Sarah Thomas, Sales Administration

                                           For this edition of the Employee Spotlight, we’re highlighting a team
                                           member who has been with GOJO for nearly 34 years. Valerie Ewing
                                           (Val) began her career at GOJO right after college with a temporary
                                           assignment at GOJO, and she’s been with GOJO ever since.

                                           Val began her career at GOJO in the General Office. Over the years, she
                                           has had the opportunity to work in several workgroups in various roles,
                                           including Healthy Places (Executive Assistant), North America Business
                                           (Executive Assistant), GOJO Global (Office Administrative Manager),
                                           Professional Markets (Office Administrative Manager), Commercial
                                           (Team Leader Sales Office & Corporate Accounts), Sales & Marketing
                                           (Secretary/Executive Secretary), and General Office (Word Processing
        Pictured above, Valerie Ewing                                   Her favorite GOJO memory is attending the company
                                                              picnics when all team members and their families
                                                            would gather for a day at Geauga Lake or Clay’s Park.
                                                            Val has seen GOJO grow and change as an
                                                            Enterprise over the years. When she began at GOJO,
                                                            the Enterprise was much smaller and operating out of
                                                            GOJO Lippman Campus only. She has since seen the
                                                            organization expand to GOJO Plaza and GOJO
                                                            Wooster Campus, was with GOJO for the introduction
                                                            of personal computers, and saw the introduction of
                                                            PURELL® products. Val was a part of the original
                                                            team that introduced the GOJO Core Templates to the
                                                            Enterprise—something that’s deeply embedded in our
                                                            Ways of Working today.

        Pictured above, Valerie Ewing with her nephew.      When asked who she looks up to, her response was,
        She said, “This is why I’m the favorite aunt!”      “Anybody who can go after what they truly want in life.
                                                            That’s important, because you only live once.” She
                                      also shared a valuable lesson she learned, which is to not be afraid of making
                                      decisions, being accountable for the decisions you make, and then owning
                                      those decisions. One of Val’s favorite quotes is: “Life isn’t about waiting for
                                      the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
                                      In her spare time, Val enjoys hanging out with friends, playing cards,
                                      camping, four wheeling, reading, appreciating wine and spending time alone.
                                      Val has one dog, Daisy, who is part dachshund and part hound. When they
                                      go for walks, Daisy’s nose never leaves the ground! Val is an Akron native,
                                      born and raised, and chose to live here most of her life. There was that time
                                      she moved to Texas, but that lasted all of six weeks. Texas (and its bugs)
                                      was not for her. Val intends to be a snowbird when she retires and live part-
                                      time in Florida and part-time in Ohio.
       Pictured above, Val’s dog,
       Daisy                          Fun Fact: Val has had two GOJO supervisors that have shared her birthdate!
                                      Thank you to Val for 34 years of dedication to GOJO!

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