Page 5 - The HandPrint_Sept-Oct
P. 5

GOJO wins 2017 Beautification Award

              By Beth Beddow, Learning & Development

              At GOJO, we take pride in everything we do - from the
              buildings and grounds we keep to the products we deliver.
              This mindset defines us as leaders in both the hand and
              skin hygiene solution industry and in the communities in
              which we work. As a result of our efforts, GOJO Plaza was
              selected by Keep Akron Beautiful as a recipient of the 2017
              Beautification Watch Award. Keep Akron Beautiful is a
              nonprofit organization that was established in 1981 to implement a comprehensive litter
              prevention, recycling promotion, and beautification program for the City of Akron.
              The Beautification Watch Award is a program that Keep Akron Beautiful started over 35 years
              ago. Volunteers, members of the Keep Akron Beautiful Board of Directors, staff, and local civic
              organizations take their time to nominate addresses they feel are litter free, have well-
              maintained landscaping, are free of weeds, and stand out from their neighbors.

               “Everyday, everybody needs to know whether they are winning or losing." (Coonradt, 2010)

                Game of Work - Green Shift Challenge

              By Jessica De Santis,              real time monitors in Jerry's
              Operations Administration          Place and several offices.
                                                 "When a team is having a
              In May of 2017, GOJO Lippman       fantastic day, it is easy for me to
              Campus Manufacturing Center        see that and congratulate them,"
              (MC) launched a new Game of        said Jeanette Bogdanski, Plant
              Work challenge for Production,     Manager. "If they are struggling,
              C&S, and Maintenance               I can see that too and make
              employees. This challenge          sure they get the help they
              incentivizes teams to achieve      need."
              shifts with zero downtime (also
              known as "Green Shifts").          This increased visibility has
                                                 resulted in timely reactions to
              One of the elements of the         problems and a boost to
              Game of Work is that "Everyday,    employee motivation. “People
              everybody needs to know            like the recognition for doing a
              whether they are winning or        good job,” said Bob Seymour,
              losing" (Coonradt, 2010*).         Production Leader. Thanks to
              However, with over 700             hard work and constant
              employees at the MC alone, this    improvements, manufacturing
              was a difficult task for plant     productivity is currently up
              management. Since the              8% over 2016.                          Marisa Weeks, Hope Landis,
              implementation of the Vorne                                         Bob Seymour, and Anthony Hooks
              system, there is an LED display    *Coonradt, Charles A. The Game of Work:   show off their Green Challenge
              on each production line, and       How to Enjoy Work As Much As Play. Park                    t-shirts.
                                                 City, Utah: 2010.
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