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            By Kim Bogucki, Logistics Administration

            Meet Harper Cunningham, aka The Warrior Princess, the American Heart
            Association's 2018 Heart Child. Born with a congenital heart defect, 4-
            year-old Harper Cunningham is a survivor and a warrior princess.

            Harper’s condition came as a complete surprise to her parents, and her
            journey began the day she was born. She had a large hole in the center
            of her heart, affecting all four chambers of her heart. This led to several
            other medical complications for Harper.

            At just two months old, Harper spent 54 days in the hospital and had her
            first open-heart surgery at just three months old to repair the hole in her   Pictured above: Harper
            heart. And just six months later, the repair began to fail, leading to Harper   Cunningham, the AHA’s
            having her mitral valve replaced.                                            2018 Heart Child

            But Harper’s fight didn’t stop there. When she was 2½, she went in for her fourth open-heart surgery.
            “She’s a fighter and she’s a survivor,” said Harper’s physician, Dr. John Lane. “She’s had to face great
            adversity and has come out wonderful.” Thanks to her doctors and medical advancements in diagnosis and
            treatments, Harper has been given the chance to live a full and healthy life. Today, she is an active little girl
            who goes to school with her friends, takes ballet lessons, and plays with her older brother and sister.

            This is why we walk. On Saturday, September 15, 2018, GOJO had 14 teams, 456 registered walkers,
            and raised $13,360 to help the fight to improve the cardiovascular health of Americans during the Akron
            Heart Walk. The day was a wonderful success thanks to all who participated. Your fundraising efforts will
            help advance transformational research and local community education programs in Akron. Thank you to
            every one who walked, fundraised, and donated. Your efforts matter and are helping to change lives.

           Pictured below: The 2018 GOJO AHA Heart Walk Teams

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