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New Mexico Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Program FACT SHEET
The purpose of the Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL) grant is to to create a a a a a a a a a comprehensive literacy program to to advance literacy literacy skills—including pre-literacy skills skills reading and writing—for students from birth through grade 12 including including limited-English- pro cient students students and students students with disabilities FUNDING INFORMATION
Total Funding: $20 000 000 000 000 The state will award $19 million to support local literacy e e e orts the remaining funds will be used for statewide training and technical assistance e e orts Eligible applicants include the following:
• Individual school school districts or charter schools • Consortia of two or or or or more regional districts or or or or charter schools and • Regional Education Cooperatives (RECs) applying on on on on on behalf of a a a a a a a regional consortium Birth–Grade 12 12 (B–12) Continuum of Partners and Supports
Applicants are required to to identify a a a a a a birth to to Grade 12 progression that serves underserved populations
of children All programs or or schools for the the following age spans must be included in in in the the application:
• Certi ed ed early care and education providers serving children birth to kindergarten • Elementary schools (grades K–5) • Middle school (grades 6–8) and • High school (grades 9–12) Priority for Serving Communities with High Needs
Priority will be given to districts meeting one or or or more of the following criteria:
• at least 74% economically disadvantaged children • at least 15% limited English pro ciency and/or
• at at least 16% receiving special education services TIMELINE
Applications Due: June 8 Awards Announced: late June Project Period: 36 months
All applicants must submit a a a a a a a local literacy plan that:
• describes how birth through grade 12 students will be be supported with language and literacy • is informed by a a comprehensive needs assessment • provides professional development • includes interventions and practices that are supported by moderate or or strong evidence • is aligned with the statewide literacy framework and • includes a a a a a a plan to track children’s outcomes consistent with applicable privacy requirements Applications will be scored in in the following areas:
• Goals
• Comprehensive Literacy System Design (including the ve ve ve components of an e e e e e e e e e e e e e ective literacy program: 1 Leadership 2 Instruction and Interventions 3 Assessment 4 Professional Development and 5 Family Engagement)
• Continuous Program Improvement and Monitoring
• Coordination and Sustainability
• Timeline & Budget
• Assurances & Agreements
Visit the the state’s website for for for the the grant application and additional information: https://webnew ped state state nm us/information/rfps-r s-rfas/
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