Page 5 - HMH NM Striving Readers
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Di erentiated Instruction Assessments
Support for English Language Learners
Support for Students in Special Education
Professional Development
Daily guidelines for modifying and extending instruction opportunities for di erentiation during small groups and centers
Integrated informal and formal assessments including benchmark assessment classroom and individual observations anecdotal records portfolios
Explicit English language development Bridge to English features for Spanish BookFlix titles in English and Spanish complete English/Spanish program available
Modifying instruction strategies in the Teacher’s Guide for identi ed special needs including vision and hearing impairments cognitive challenges challenges physical challenges challenges language delays emotional or behavioral disorders
Comprehensive teacher materials (print and digital) in-person implementation training webinars individual team and virtual coaching online resources
Personalized learning progression for each student di erentiated instruction with the teacher driven by data from the management system Initial screening and placement embedded software assessments formative assessments diagnostic assessments progress monitoring informal assessments one-on-one assessments Explicit high-utility vocabulary instruction rst language support in Spanish pronunciation modeling teacher support Adaptive individualized pacing with sca olds and supports multisensory instructional resources
Universal Design
for Learning (UDL) Principles multiple points of entry
Comprehensive teacher materials (print and digital) in-person implementation training webinars coaching for individuals and teams online resources
Small-group or one-on-one instruction for review and remediation multi-sensory exercises for reteaching and remediation Cumulative and diagnostic assessments built-in progress monitoring oral and written phonics assessments sight word evaluations spelling tests reading uency assessments Lesson plans with speci c c strategies for teachers of English language learners
Embedded support for customization of instruction including customized content and instructional tools sca olded instruction based on on needs and the the application of the the principles of Universal Design
Teacher resources
in-person implementation training webinars coaching for individuals and teams Personalized learning progression for each student daily di erentiated instruction with the teacher driven by data from the management system Universal screening and progress monitoring ongoing diagnostic and formative assessment writing assessments performance- based assessments independent reading assessments Videos and instruction to build background knowledge vocabulary support through imagery rst language support in Spanish pronunciation modeling multicultural content Individual Education
Program (IEP) support multisensory instructional resources
Universal Design
for Learning (UDL) Principles behavior interventions and supports (Endorsed by the Council
of of Administrators of of Special Education)
Comprehensive teacher materials (print and digital) in-person implementation training in-person upgrade training webinars in-person seminars coaching for individuals and teams Personalized learning progression for each student daily di erentiated instruction with the teacher driven by data from the management system Universal screening and progress monitoring ongoing diagnostic and formative assessment assessment writing assessment assessment curriculum-based interim
and summative assessments performance assessments independent reading assessments Supports for multiple pro ciency levels explicit instruction of academic language pro ciency frontloaded instruction in in high-utility words and academic vocabulary second language support Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) model text-to-speech features Universal Design
for Learning (UDL) Principles behavior interventions and supports (Endorsed by the Council
of of Administrators of of Special Education)
Comprehensive teacher materials (print and digital) in-person implementation training in-person upgrade training webinars in-person seminars coaching for individuals and teams self-paced online course
Sca olded with before- during- and after-reading activities designed to boost comprehension uency vocabulary language and writing skills Formative and summative assessments in in reading and writing quarterly performance assessment Sca olded instruction in in literacy and composition
Sca olded instruction in in literacy and composition
On-demand webinar Programs and Services for Striving Readers
Programs and Services for Striving Readers
5 Readers
Comprehensive Literacy Program