Page 7 - HMH NM Striving Readers
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Readers Comprehensive Literacy Program Di erentiated Instruction Assessments
Support for English Language Learners
Support for Students in Special Education
Professional Development
Small-group di erentiated literacy and language instruction for a a variety of pro ciency levels
Reading reading strategy and comprehension assessment checklists oral language and writing rubrics phonics assessments assessments self-assessments uency assessments unit assessments and open-ended oral language assessments Sca olding and support along with planning tools for targeted instruction language learning strategy prompts in in the Teacher’s Edition
Additional support at point of use in the Teacher’s Edition
to aid in in students’ understanding multiple practice activities across listening speaking reading and writing Comprehensive teacher materials (print and digital) in-person implementation training webinars individual team and virtual coaching
Multiple di erentiated sca olds at point of reference to help teachers meet the access needs of all students Unit pretests language analysis formative assessments vocabulary assessments unit assessments unit performance tasks ongoing short performance tasks Point-of-use strategies Language Cam videos for modeling academic language Stream to StartTM videos for building background sca olding support options
Digital resources with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Principles Text X-Ray for building background sca olding with substantial support options
Comprehensive teacher materials (print and digital) in-person implementation and follow-up training webinars self-paced online course individual team and virtual coaching
Explicit instructional routines for vocabulary writing speaking and listening Academic language assessments daily formative assessments curriculum- embedded assessments performance-based assessments beginning- mid- and end-of-year assessments Instructional routines to build academic vocabulary daily opportunities for academic speaking listening and writing language forms and functions for speaking and writing Daily opportunities for academic speaking listening and writing language forms and functions for speaking and writing instructional routines to build high-utility academic vocabulary Comprehensive teacher materials (print and digital) in-person implementation training webinars coaching
for individuals and team self-paced online course Computer-adaptive algorithm to to adapt to to the level of the reader Foundational Reading Assessment (K–2) of phonological awareness letter-word identi cation
word attack skills
and Reading Comprehension Assessment (K–12)
Tracks reading development of all populations including English language learners Low-stress adaptive assessment ability to skip questions untimed practice test items signi cantly below student’s level actionable data and reports to plan instruction and intervention
Computer-adaptive algorithm to to adapt to to the level of the reader Letter recognition sight word reading uency and decoding
Measures foundational reading development of all populations including English language learners Untimed assessment practice test “warm up” items actionable data and reports to plan instruction and intervention
In-person implementation training webinar coaching
for individuals and teams
Two-hour live webinar Professional Development
for Teachers
Sta will learn learn how to clarify students learning expectations and will be trained on on how to deliver e e e e e e ective literacy instruction to each individual in in in their classroom The coaching
model is student-centered and grounded in in data Coaching
supports teachers leaders and districts and can be delivered in in individual or team formats District and school improvement will be built to sustain curricular and instructional practices beyond the the life of the the improvement model with stakeholders realizing that success is continuing and an an ever- changing process Programs and Services for Striving Readers Programs and Services for Striving Readers 7