Page 2 - NJ iRead for Special Education
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iRead is proven to accelerate reading pro ciency for students with special needs and meets the moderate level of ESSA evidence standards.
Founded on years of research demonstrating that foundational reading skills and access to dynamic and engaging technology are critical to the lifelong success of students, iRead o ers teachers and students a research-driven path to literacy.
iRead Students with Special Needs Outperform Comparison Group
At the end of the school year, K–2 students with special needs who participated in iRead, outperformed K-2 students with special needs in the matched comparison group on the Group Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation (GRADE) literacy assessment.
Students with Special Needs Percentile Gains Above the Comparison Group After One Year of iRead Implementation
Word Meaning
(Grades 1–2)
Sentence Comprehension
(Grades 1–2)
Letter Recognition
Phoneme Grapheme Correspondence (Kindergarten)
19 Percentile Points E ect Size = 0.50*
27 Percentile Points E ect Size = 0.74*
25 Percentile Points E ect Size = 0.69*
17 Percentile Points E ect Size = 0.45*
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Percentage Points
Source: iRead Early Outcomes QED Study (2013–2015): Results from GRADE.
* In the  eld of education, an e ect size over 0.23 is considered “practically signi cant”.
For more information about iRead, and to learn about the program’s research foundation,

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