Page 5 - NJ iRead for Special Education
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iRead delivers personalized learning that continually assesses children, monitors their learning, and provides individualized instruction based on each child’s special learning needs.
Personalized learning in iRead is driven by the proven FASTT (Fluency and Automaticity through Systematic Teaching with Technology) algorithm, which helps students with special needs manage their acquisition of new information and then carefully synthesize this information as long-term memory.
Powered by FASTT
FASTT adjusts to a child’s particular learning needs and provides individualized instruction. It continuously monitors performance and customizes pacing, instructional load, and content for each child through the following six phases:
Guided Practice
Screening and Placement
Direct Instruction
Independent Practice
Assess for Mastery
q Screening and Placement Children begin with the screener, a computer-based assessment, which determines their di erentiated placement in the iRead instructional software at one of six entry points. By placing students at the right starting point, their rst successes come quickly and set a pattern of encouragement.
w Direct Instruction Children receive systematic, explicit instruction in foundational reading skills, accompanied by highly engaging instructional songs that introduce and reinforce skills.
e Guided Practice Children receive sca olded support and immediate, corrective feedback as they build accuracy and automaticity while working in the software activities.
r Independent Practice Once children demonstrate accuracy, the software builds automaticity by gradually increasing response time, ensuring
an accelerated path to foundational reading mastery. Continued data collection allows the software to determine if additional practice and support are needed.
.t Adjusted Instruction Every child receives a personalized path through the iRead instructional software with corrective feedback designed to sca old learning and promote mastery.
y Assess for Mastery By continuously adjusting instruction for each child, the iRead software ensures that children with special needs progress to the next topic only after demonstrating accuracy and uency.
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