Page 36 - Programming Guide
P. 36
• Outside displays must be neat and must not damage lawns, trees, walks, or buildings. They may not hang from telephone or electric poles or across streets.
• Nothing is to be attached to the outside of buildings or permitted to hang from windows unless the Director of Student Activities or a Residence Director has given special approval.
• If a display becomes damaged or damages College property, it must be promptly removed once notification has been given. If it has to be removed by Physical Plant, the cost of removal will be billed to the individual or organization responsible.
• The Director of the Physical Plant, along with the Director of Student Activities must approve any large or unusual display on the campus lawns.
• If there is a lack of space, an event scheduled first has precedence. Outdoor Banner Advertising Policy:
• Requests for banner hanging should be made through the Office Coordinator in the Student Activities Office.
• All banners must be approved by the Director of Student Activities prior to being hung and must be hung by Physical Plant Department personnel.
• All banners must be of a heavy canvas material and must have metal grommets already installed. (Banners made of sheets or shower curtains do not hold up to wind and weather and cannot be used).
• Requested location must be specific and must fall within the guidelines of locations considered to be legitimate for banners.
• An hourly fee will be charged for hanging banners. It is up to the discretion of the Physical Plant Department as to whether the banner can be hung manually or whether use of the boom truck will be necessary. No matter what method is used, the same fee will be charged.
• The Physical Plant Department assumes no responsibility for what wind, weather, or what people may do to the banner once it is hung.
• No banners will be hung on city property (i.e. parkways, utility poles, streets, easements, etc.) without written permission from the Wheaton City Council.
Occasionally groups desire to advertise a large, all-campus event after chapel. This needs to be cleared by the Chaplain’s Office (
Chalk-Drawing Policy:
In order to maintain the beauty of our campus and to ensure the safety of students, no chalk messages are to be written on College property (walls, sidewalks, signs, and buildings). The only exceptions are chalk messages on the pavement south of Memorial Student Center, on the Smith Traber sidewalk located on the corner of Howard and University, and the sidewalk outside the entrance to Fischer, which have been approved in advance by the Student Activities Office.”
• Requests for chalk drawings on campus sidewalks should be submitted to the Office Coordinator in the Student Activities Office. Information submitted should include: location, time period, and content (artwork and/or text).
• Chalk drawings can only be on blacktop or gray sidewalks.
• Absolutely no drawings can be placed on campus buildings or on any red brick sidewalks.