Page 12 - AASBO EDGE Fall 2021 WEB
P. 12
Brant Menswar
Non-negotiable Core Values Will Get
You Through Challenges
Brant Menswar, a former rock star who
blends humor with insightful guidance on
leadership, also gave his AASBO audience
a personal example of perseverance.
As a keynote speaker at AASBO’s Summer
Conference and Expo, Menswar focused on
core values – his values and asked AASBO
members to consider their own. Living
through more than a year of unprecedented
challenges, Menswar said, “Everybody
wants to get back into the office and pick up
where we left off. But, the challenge lies in
building a cultural connection.” the dog, feed the dog, pick up after the dog,
but it’s not about the dog,” Menswar said.
In a key aspect of his presentation, Menswar “It’s about the relationship with your friend.
encouraged his audience to discover what he It’s about finding ways to build connections
called their “Black Sheep Values,” enabling with people.”
them to make decisions with deliberate
intention. While the term black sheep is Menswar identified three traits that
generally considered negatively, Menswar every high-performing person has: “They
described having black sheep values as being are purpose driven, they are incredible
willing to stand up for what you believe in collaborators, and they have enduring
– in workplace situations and your personal resilience.”
life. Another way to describe those values,
he said, is non-negotiable values to increase So-called “purpose people” help others
performance. to discover their values – their purpose at
work. “When you can do that to motivate
A rock star for 20 years, Menswar could have them, you see some pretty incredible results.”
been a stand-up comedian, using humor to Menswar said. “They feel that they have a
back up his motivational points and keeping purpose. Working together without alignment
is audience involved. He mentioned an is cooperation, not collaboration. Firms that
anecdote about a friend asking you to take operate with cooperation don’t care what you
care of his dog over a weekend. “You walk think – they just want your cooperation.”