Page 4 - AASBO EDGE Fall 2021 WEB
P. 4


                          BY KARLA WALTER
                          Be Sure to Take Advantage of What AASBO Offers

        Karla Walter

        As we enter the fall season, it brings us into a
        time of giving and being thankful for all our
        blessings. We are all thankful for our family,
        our  friends,  hopefully  our  good  health,  our
        students and our profession. I, like most of
        you, have always been grateful for all the
        opportunities AASBO offers as it has allowed
        me to grow and learn throughout my career in
        school finance.

        Whether you’re a relatively new member or
        you’ve been part of AASBO for a number of
        years, the programs are designed to improve
        your on-the-job skills and open the way to
        career advancement. They also help districts
        to better manage their finances and ultimately
        improve the quality of education we offer our

        With today’s technology, everybody should
        have access to what AASBO offers online, but
        relatively few members actually utilize them.
        For those of you who haven’t tapped into
        them, here’s a  glimpse of what’s available.
        Just go to

        AASBO Engage

        This  program  allows  you  to  participate  in
        discussions and share resources with other
        members. You can locate it on the AASBO
        website under Membership/Members Only/
        AASBO Engage.  There you can click on
        “Communities”  and  you  will  find  different
                                                                A "selfie" of Karla Walter and a kindergarten student she met while
        communities you can join. There are different           visiting John F. Kennedy Elementary School recently.

        4                                                                                   THE EDGE   FALL 2021
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