Page 5 - AASBO EDGE Fall 2021 WEB
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discussion groups, like procurement,  IT,  Governor’s Office, the general public and
        food service, transportation and payroll.  organizations that help K-12 education.

        Participants throw out ideas, and are able to
        ask each other questions about specific issues.  Other valuable offerings include Chuck
        Invariably someone has an answer.                      Essigs’ insightful budget updates and
                                                               reports  on  education-related  legislation,
        There are some ground rules, all of which  the school finance manual, past conference
        are listed on the AASBO website, but it’s a  and meeting presentations and webinars,
        great medium to solicit the advice of your  and an extensive library of articles and past
        peers, benefit from their experience, and  issues of  The Edge.  Also, keep in touch
        participate in an ongoing conversation. You  with  AASBO’s  Professional  Development
        should use the community to share successes,  Education  Training Programs available to
        challenges, constructive feedback, questions,  all  AASBO members and non-members,
        and goals, but not products or services that  including One-day Training Workshops and
        you provide. If, however, you have found  Four-day Educational Classes offered year-
        a helpful product or service, you can share  around in a wide variety of areas.
        your experience.
                                                               Finally, don’t forget to mark your calendars
        AASBO IDEA Project                                     for the Vendor/Buyer Conference on January
        IDEA, a clever acronym for Initiative for  25, and the  Winter Conference on January
        Data and Educational Analytics, was started  26. And if you’re really looking ahead,  the

        nearly 20 years ago to provide district-               Spring Conference in Laughlin, Nevada
        level comparative analytics based on AFR  is scheduled for April 6-8, and the annual
        data. It was expanded to include webinars  Summer Conference and Expo is set for July
        that provide accurate information to state  20-23 in Tucson.
        policymakers regarding questions related
        to school district funding and expenditures
        and to share information with school                   “Be present in all things and
        districts throughout  Arizona. Over the
        years, this program has helped state leaders  thankful for all.”

        better understand the impact of changes
        to the state funding formula on individual
        districts, averting changes that would have  That’s a lot to be thankful for.
        cost schools many millions of dollars.
                                                               I wish you, your families and your organizations
        The IDEA project enables AASBO to analyze  a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving season.
        multiple years of your district’s enrollment,  Remember to count your blessings, and be
        expenditures and revenues and compare that  thankful for what you have. I leave you
        data with those of other districts and charter  with the wise words of Maya Angelou: “Be
        schools. It also provides valuable school  present in all things and thankful for all.”
        finance information to the Legislature, the

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