Page 167 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 167

          Amos 9:11-15, especially verse 15.7
          Hosea 1:10-11.
          Isa. 2:2-5.
              10:20-23, especially verses 21, 22.
              11:10-16, especially verse 11, SECOND TIME.
           "  27:12-13.8
           "  43:1-7, especially verses  7.
           "                     5,  6,
              49:13-26, especially verses 22, 23.
           "  60:1-22, especially verses  8,  9, 10, 15, 16, IS, 21.
           "  65:8-10.
          Jer. 3:12-19, especially verses 17,  18.
           "  11:4-5.
           (7) Amos 9:11.  In that day  their land which  I have  given
         will  I raise up the tabernacle of  them, saith the Lord thy God.
         David  that  is  fallen, and  close  (8)  Isa. 27:12.  And  it  shal.'
         up the breaches thereof  ; and  I  come  to pass  in  that day,  that
         will  raise up  his  ruins, and  I  the Lord shall beat off from the
         will build  it as in the days of  channel  of  the  river  unto  the
         old:                     stream  of Egypt, and ye  shall
           12. That they may possess the  be gathered  one by  one, O ye
         remnant of Edom, and of all the  children of Israel.
         heathen, which are called by my  13. And  it shall come to pass
         name, saith the Lord that doeth  in  that  day,  that  the  great
         this.                    trumpet  shall  be  blown,  and
                                  they  shall  come  which  were
           13. Behold,  the  days  come,
                                  ready to perish  in  the land  01"
         saith the Lord, that the plowman  Assyria, and the outcasts in the
         shall  overtake  the  reaper,  and  land of Egypt, and shall worship
         the treader of grapes him that  the Lord  in the holy mount at
         soweth seed  ; and the mountains  Jerusalem.
         shall drop  sweet wine, and  all
         the  hills  shall melt.    (9)  Jer.  16:14.  Therefore,
                                  behold, the days come, saith the
           14.. And I will bring again the  Lord,  that  it  shall no more be
         captivity of my people of Israel,  said,  The  Lord  liveth,  that
         and they  shall  build the waste  brought up the children of Israel
         cities,  and  inhabit  thgm;  and  out of the land of Egypt  ;
         they  shall plant vineyards, and  15. But, the Lord  liveth that
         drink  the  wine  thereof  ;  they  brought up the children of Israel
         shall  also make  gardens,  and  from the land of the north, and
         eat the fruit of them.   from  all  the lands whither he
           15. And  I  will  plant  them  had  driven  them :  and  I  will
         upon their land, and they shall  bring them again into th<>ir land
         no more  be  pulled  up  out  of  that  I gave unto  their  fathers.
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