Page 163 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 163

160            JESUS IS COMING.

           Surely, then, His speedy coming cannot be counted an
         unmerciful event.  The wonder is rather at the long-suffer-
         ing of God, which now  135  (as before the flood 136 ) waits in
         such patient pleading.  But He will fulfill His promise, and
         the Coming One* will come  137  and cut short the work in
         righteousness.  Rom. 9:28.
           Then  let us not look upon Christ's coming as cruel or
         unmerciful.  He has said "SURELY  i COME QUICKLY/' and
         let us have the mind of the Holy Spirit, who replied "EVEN
         so COME LORD JESUS/'  Eev. 22:20.
           "Then welcome, thrice welcome, ye tokens of God.
           What else but His coming' can comfort afford?
           What presence but His set this prisoned earth free?
           O Star of the Morning, our hope  is in Thee!"
                     No. XIV.  This Generation.
          Jesus said: "This generation  shall not pass away  till
         all be fulfilled."  Lu. 21:32.  See also Mat. 24:34; Mar.
         13 :30.
          Some have construed "generation"  to mean a time of
         thirty or  forty years; and,  as Jerusalem was destroyed
         within forty years after Christ spoke, they refer all he said
         to that event.
              Israel the Generation That Passes Not Away.
          We believe "generation," as there used, means the whole
         existence of the Israelitish race.  Compare the following
        passages where the same Greek word is used. 138
           So the Greek.
         up to keep the feast of taberna-  sometime were disobedient, when
         cles.                   once  the  longsuflering  of God
          19. This shall be the punish-  waited  in  the  days  of  Noah,
         ment of Egypt, and the punish-  while the ark was a preparing,
         ment  of  all  nations  that come  wherein few, that  is, eight souls
         not up to keep the feast of taber-  were saved by water,
         nacles.  Also Isa. 65:20.  (137) Heb.  10:36.  For  ye
          (135) 2 Pet.  3:9.  The Lord  have need of patience, that, after
         is not slack concerning his prom-  ye have done the will of God, ye
            as some men count  slack-  might receive the promise,
         ness  ; but  is longsuffering to us-  37. For yet a little while, and
         ward, not willing that any should  he  that  shall come  will come,
         perish, but that all should come  and will not tarry.  But
         to repentance.            (138)  Mat."  11:16.
           (136) 1  Pet.  3 :20.  Which  whereunto shall I liken this gen-
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