Page 161 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 161

158            JESVS 18 COMINQ.

          delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious
          liberty of the children of God."  Rom. 8 :21.  "They shall
          not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain : for the earth
          shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters
          cover the sea," Isa. 11 :9.
          "A better day is coming , a morning promised long,
          When girded Right, with holy Might,  will overthrow the
          When God the Lord will listen to every plaintive sigh,
          And stretch His hand o'er every land, with justice by and by.
          The boast of haughty Error no more will  fill the air,
          But Age and Youth will love the truth and spread  it every-
          No more from want and sorrow will come the hopeless cry;
          And  strife  will cease, and perfect peace will  flourish by
               and by.
          Oh! for that holy dawning we watch, and wait, and pray,
          Till o'er the height the morning light shall drive the gloom
          And when the heavenly glory shall flood the earth and sky,
          We'll bless the Lord for all His Word, and praise Him by
               and by."
                    No. XIII.  Cruel to the Unsaved.
            It is objected that  it would be cruel for Christ to come
          in Judgment upon the world, while there are so many mil-
          lions unsaved.
            "We answer,  Is not such a declaration a presumptious
          criticism of God's motives? Was the flood an expression
          of cruelty, or rather was  it not a manifestation of God's
          love and mercy, toward them who should live after, in that
          He swept away the great overflow of wickedness?
          it was done in mercy. And now let us remember that this
                                       The average of human
          world DEES every thirty-three years.
          life is even a little less than this.  The world is in the power
                    128                         129
          of the devil,  and he has the power of death.  He has
            (128)  1 John 5:19. We know  o f the same; that through death
          that we  are  of  God,  and  the  he might destroy him  that had
          whole  world  lieth  in  the  evil  the power of death, that  is, the
          one.                     devil  ;
            (129) Heb. 2:14.  Forasmuch  15. And  deliver  them,  who
          then  as  the  children  are  par-  through  fear  of death were  all
          takers  of  flesh  and  blood,  he  their lifetime subject to bondagn.
          also  himself  likewise took part
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