Page 160 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 160
Thes. 1:10) and welcome the coming Bridegroom. Mat.
25:10. And there shall be a remnant in Israel, who, pass-
ing through the darkness and fire (Zech. 13:9), will yet
accept their King. Zech. 12:10; Rom. 9:27; 11:25-26. And
there shall even be a remnant (residue or remainder)
among the Gentiles (ungodly world) who shall seek after
the Lord.
Glory to God ! the darkness shall yet flee away before the
Sun of Righteousness, arising with healing in His
wings, when He comes to sit in the throne of His
glory. The mountain of the Lord's house shall be estab-
lished and all nations shall flow unto it (Isa. 2:1-6; Mic.
4:1-5, please read it) during that bright millennial day of
peace and glory, which shall follow "this present evil
age" (Gal. 1:4) and in which even the creature "shall be
(124) Acts 15:16. After this which he will judge the world
I will return, and will build in righteousnes-s by that man
again the tabernacle of David, whom he hath ordained ; whereof
which is fallen down ; and I will he hath given assurance unto all
build again the ruins thereof, men, in that he hath raised him
and I will set it up: from the dead.
17. That the residue of men Rom. 13 :12. The night is far
might seek after the Lord, and spent, the day is at hand: let us
all the Gentiles, upon whom my therefore cast off the works of
name is called, saith the Lord, darkness, and let us put on the
armour of
who doeth all these things. light.
(125) Mai. 4:2. But unto Rev. 20:4. And I saw
you that fear m^ name shall the thrones, and they sat upon them,
Sun of righteousness arise with judgment was given unto
them : and I saw the souls of
healing in his wings ; and ye
them that were beheaded for the
shall go forth, and grow up as
witness of Jesus, and for the
calves of the stall.
word of God, and which had
3. And ye shall tread down not worshipped the beast, neither
the wicked ; for they shall be his image, neither had received
ashes under the soles of your Tits mark upon their foreheads,
feet in the day that I shall do or in their hands : and they
this, saith the Lord of hosts. lived and reigned with Christ a
(126) Mat. 19:28. And Je- thousand years.
sus said unto them, Verily I 5. But the rest of the dead
say unto you, That ye which lived not again until the thou-
have followed me, in the regen- sand years were finished.
eration when the Son of man is ttae first resurrection.
Blessd and holy is he that
shall sit in the throne of his hath part in the first resurrec-
glory, ye also shall sit upon tion on such the scond death
twelve thrones, judging the ;
lhath no power, but they shall
twelve tribes of Israel. be priests of God and of Christ,
(127) Acts 17:31. Because he and shall reign with him a thou-
liath appointed a day, In the sand years.