Page 155 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 155
heaven, only intensify the darkness about them. The dark-
ness is still darkness and cannot be improved. The sinner
must forsake it and come to the light, or he can never be
Losing the Saltness.
Let us notice carefully that Jesus speaks of the salt
losing its saltness and becoming good for nothing, and He
also intimates that the light may be hid under a bushel.
And therefore He exhorts, "Have salt in yourselves." Mark
9:50. Evidently the Jews lost their "savour" (Mat. 5:13)
and "were broken off." This leads to the solemn query,
is the professing Church progressing or declining in faitr
and spiritual life?
112 or the state of Christendom
The kingdom in mystery,
until Christ comes again, is taught us, we believe, by the
parables of Mat. 13.
The Parables.
"The parable of the Sower shows the varied and imper-
fect reception of the Word. The parable of the Tares
shows the early and continued effects of Satan's presence
among the saints. The parable of the Mustard-seed shows
outward growth sheltering evil. The parable of the Leaven
shows the gradual and utter corruption of the truth. The
parable of the Treasure hid in a field shows what Israel
is to be in the world. The parable of the Pearl of great
price shows what the Church is to Christ. And the parable
of the Dragnet shows the cleansing of the kingdom at His
second coming."
into the world, and men loved by faith. Be not highminded,
darkness rather than light, be- but fear :
cause their deeds were evil. 21. For if God spared not the
20. For every one that doeth natural branches, take heed lest
evil hateth the light, neither he also spare not thee.
cometh to the light, lest his (112) Mat. 13:10. And the
deeds should be reproved. disciples came, and said unto
21. But he that doeth truth him, Why speakest thou unto
cometh to the light, that his them in parables?
deeds may be made manifest, 11. He answered and said unto
that they are wrought in God. them, Because it is given unto
(111) Rom. 11 :20. Well ; be- you to know the mysteries of
cause of unbelief they were the kingdom of heaven, but to
broken off, and thou standest them it is not given.