Page 159 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 159
119 rebellious and murderous 120 and a
tate church, Israel,
sinful world, the day of darkness is coming.
The Faithful Remnant.
But even in the darkness, so gloomy for the ungodly,
there is hope bright, glorious hope for the faithful.
For God always has had, and ever will have a faithful
remnant. There were those, in blind unbelieving Israel,
who waited for and accepted the Messiah. Luke 2, etc. So
there will be those in the Church who will wait for (1
(119) 2 Tim. 4:2. Preach the the mist of darkness is reserved
word ; be instant in season, out for ever.
of season ; reprove, rebuke, ex-
Also Zeph. 1 :14-18 ; Mai. 4 :1 ;
hort with all longsuffering and Jude 5-13.
doctrine. (122) 1 Thes. 5:4. But
3. For the time will come ye,
brethren, are not in darkness
when they will not endure sound that that day should overtake
doctrine but after their own
; you as a thief.
lusts shall they heap to them-
5. Ye are all the children of
selves teachers, having itching and
light, the children of the
day are not of the night,
ears ; : we
4. And they shall turn away nor of darkness.
their ears from the truth, and
6. Therefore let us not sleep,
shall be turned unto fables.
as do others ; but let us watch
Also 2 Tim. 3 :5-9, Rev. 17. and be sober,
(120) Mat. 27:25. Then an- 7. For they that sleep sleep
swered all the people, and said, in the night ; and they that be
His blood tie on us, and on our drunken are drunken in the
children. night.
(121) Joel 1 :15. Alas for the 8. But let us, who are of the
day! for the day of the Lord is day, be sober, putting on the
at hand, and as a destruction breastplate of faith and love ;
from the Almighty shall it come. and for a helmet, the hope of
Amos 5 :18. Woe unto you salvation.
that desire the day of the Lord ! 1 Pet. 1 :13. "Wherefore gird
to what end is it for you? the up the loins of your mind, be
day of the Lord is darkness, and sober, and hope to the end for
not light. the grace that is to be brought
19. As if a man did flee from unto you at the revelation of
a lion, and a bear met him ; or Jesus Christ.
went into the house, and leaned (123) 1 Kings 19:18. Yet I
his hand on the wall, and a ser- have left me seven thousand in
pent bit him. Israel, all the knees which have
20. Shall not the day of the not bowed unto Baal, and every
Lord ~be darkness, and not light? mouth which hath not kissed
even very dark, and no bright- him.
ness in it? Rom. 11 :5. Even so then at
2 Pet. 2:17. These are wells this present time also there is a
Without water, clouds that are remnant according to the elec-
carried with a tempest ; to whom tion of grace.