Page 156 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 156


                         The Leaven.
        There is, perhaps, but little opposition to this interpreta-
      tion of the parables, excepting that of the Leaven, which
      has quite extensively been interpreted to teach exactly the
       opposite, viz.  : that the power and influence of the gospel or
      Christian  life  is  to permeate  the masses of the world,
      until the whole is leavened into holiness.  The inconsistency
      of this is seen when we consider that precisely the contrary
      is taught by the parable of the sower and the tares, each
      of which most undisputedly shows that evil is to continue
      and grow up to the end of the age.  This is surely the most
      sufficient and  scriptural  reason  for assigning  the same
      typical meaning to the Leaven, in this and the correlative
      passage,  which we find it to bear in the numerous other
      passages, where the same word is used, viz. : the corrupting
      influence of  e.vil and the symbol of death.  See  carefully
      Mat. 16 I6-12.
        (113) Luke 13:20. And again  the doctrine of the Pharisees and
      he said, Whereunto shall I liken  of the Sadducees.
      the kingdom of God?        Mark 8 :15.  And he charged
        21.  It  is  like  leaven,  which  them, saying, Take heed, beware
       a woman took and hid in three  of the  leaven  of the Pharisees,
       measures of meal,  till the whole  and of the leaven of Herod.
       was leavened.             Luke 12 :1.  In the mean time,
        (114)  Mat.  16:6.  Then  Je-  when  there  were  gathered  to-
       sus  said unto them, Take heed  gether an innumerable multitude
       and beware of the leaven of the  of  people,  insomuch  that  they
      Pharisees and of the Sadducees.  trode one upon  another, he be-
        7. And  they  reasoned among  gan to say unto his disciples first
      themselves, saying, It is because  of  all, Beware ye of the leaven
      we have taken no bread.  of the  Pharisees, which  is hy-
        8. Which  when  Jesus  per-  pocrisy.
      ceived, he said unto them, O ye  1 Cor. 5 :6.  Your glorying is
      of  little  faith, why  reason  ye  not good.  Know ye not that a
       among  yourselves,  because  ye  little leaven leaveneth the whole
      have brought no bread?   lump?
        11. How  is  it that ye do not  7. Purge out therefore the old
       understand  that  I  spake  it not  leaven,  that ye may be a new
       to you concerning bread, that ye  lump, as ye are unleavened.  For
       should beware of the leaven  of  even Christ our passover  is sac-
       the Pharisees and  of  the Sad-  rificed for us :
       ducees?                   8. Therefore  let us keep  the
        12. Then understood they how  feast, not with old leaven, neither
       that he bade them  not beware  with  the  leaven  of  malice and
       of  the  leaven of  bread, but  of  wickedness  ;  but  with  the  un-
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