Page 152 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 152

                      104  "Evil men and seducers shall wax
        times are coming.
        worse and  worse,  deceiving and  being  deceived."  The
        tares, which naturally grow much faster than the wheat,
        shall continue up to the harvest.  Mat. 13:40.  "The mys-
            of iniquity" which already worked in the days of
        the apostles, shall culminate in "the man of sin," the per-
        sonal antichrist, whom even the mass of the Jews will re-
        ceive,  and who will be so great and rule with such uni-
        versal authority that he  is to be destroyed only by the
        personal appearing of the Lord Himself.  106
          There is no hope, then, for the world, but in the coming
        of Christ the King.  And, praised be God for the prom-
        ises, the Lord will come at the end of this age.  Antichrist
        will be destroyed.  All things that offend shall be gath-
        ered  out,  and  the  Millennial Kingdom  of  righteous-
        ness shall be established on the earth.  So, while there  is
        a gloomy prospect for the world
                                   during this evil age, there
        is a bright and glorious prospect during the coming mil-
        lennial age.
        shall  they  with  feigned words  (106) 2 Thes. 2:8.  And then
        make merchandise of you : whose  shall  that Wicked  be  revealed,
        judgment now  of  a  long  time  whom  the  Lord  shall consume
        lingereth not, and their damna-  with the spirit of his mouth, and
        tion slumbereth  not.    shall destroy with the brightness
          2 Pet. 3 :7.  But the heavens  of his coming  :
        and the  earth, which are now,
        by  the same word are kept  in  - Even "Mm, whose coming Is
                                 after tne working of Satan with
        store, reserved unto  fire against
                                 a11 power and
        the day of judgment and perdi-      signs and lying
        tion of ungodly men.     wonders,
          Also Jude  7, Mark 9 :43-48.  Also Rev  19 20
          (104) 1 Tim.  4:1.  Now the
        Spirit  speaketh  expressly,  that  (107)  Matt. 13:41.  The Son
        In  the  latter times some  shall  of man shall send forth his an-
        depart  from  the  faith,  giving  gels, and they  shall gather out
        heed to seducing spirits, and doc-  of  his kingdom  all  things  that
        trines of devils         offend, and them which  do
                   ;                                 in-
          2 Tim. 3 :1.  This know  also,  Iquity ;
        that  in  the  last  days  perilous  42 - And
        times  shall come.               sha11 cast them into
          (105) John 5:43.  I am come  a  ^nace  of fire: there shall be
                                 wailing and gnashing of teeth,
        in my Father's name, and ye re-
        ceive me  not  :  if another  shall  43. Then  shall  the righteous
        come  in his own name, him ye  shine  forth  as the  sun  in . th
        Will receive.            kingdom  of their Father.  Who
          Also  Isa. 28 :15-22.  hath ears to hear,  let him hear.
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