Page 149 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 149

146            JESUS IS COMING.

        must be separate.*  The true church is in the world, but
        not of  it.  94  There are three parties in the world,  viz.:
        the Jew, the Gentile and the Church of God.  As the
         Jews were a separate,  called-out and  peculiar people,  90
         not to be reckoned among the nations,  so  is this true
        church a separate and peculiar people,  called unto cleans-
         ing and holiness,  sealed by the Spirit of God, unto the
         day of redemption (Eph. 4:30), no longer darkness, but
         "children of light," and exhorted to "have no  fellowship
         with the unfruitful works of darkness" (Eph. 5:8-11). They
         are of God,  while the whole world  lies  in  the wicked
         one.  100  There  is an irrepressible conflict between them
         we might  have  a  strong  con-  nation.  These  are  the  words
         solation, who have fled for refuge  which thou shalt speak unto the
         to  lay hold upon the hope  set  children of Israel.
         before us :               Ex. 33 :16.  For wherein shall
          19. Which hope we have as an  it be known here that I and thy
         anchor  of  the  soul,  both  sure  people have found grace  to thy
         and steadfast, and which enter-  sight?  Is  it not  in  that thou
         eth into that within the vail  goest with us?  so  shall we be
          20. Whither the forerunner is  separated, I and thy people, from
         for us entered, even Jesus, made  all the people that are upon the
         a high priest for ever after the  face of the earth.
         order of Melchisedec.     Also Deut. 7:6, Psa. 135:4.
          (94) John  17:11.  And now  (97) Num.  23 :9.  For  from
         I am no more in the world, but  the top of the rocks  I see him,
         these are  in  the  world, and  I  and from the hills I behold him:
         come  to  thee.  Holy  Father,  lo, the people shall dwell alone,
         keep  through  thine own name  and shall not be reckoned among
         those whom thou hast given me,  the nations.
         that they may be one, as we are.  (98)  Tit.  2:14.  Who  gave
          15.  I  pray  not  that  thou  himself  for  us,  that he might
         shouldest take them out  of the  redeem us from all iniquity, and
         world,  but  that thou  shouldest  purify unto  himself a  peculiar
         keep them from the evil.  people, zealous of good works.
          16. They are not of the world,  1  Pet.  2 :9.  But  ye  are a
         even as  I am not of the world.  chosen generation, a royal priest-
          * See (91)
                  pg. 144.       hood, a holy nation, a peculiar
          (95)  1 Cor. 10 :32.  Give none  people  ; that ye should shew forth
         offence, neither to the Jews, nor  the  praises  of him who  hath
         to the Gentiles, nor to the church  called you out of darkness  into
        Of God.                  his marvellous light.
          (96) Ex.  19:5.  Now  there-  (99)  2  Cor.  7:1.  Having
         fore,  if ye  will obey my  voice  therefore these promises,  dearly
         indeed,  and keep my covenant,  beloved,  let us cleanse ourselves
         then ye shall be a peculiar treas-  from  all  fllthiness  of  the  flesh
         ure unto me above  all  people :  and spirit, perfecting holiness in
         for all the earn is mine.  the fear of God.
          6. And ye shall be unto me a  Also Eph. 5:25-27.
         kingdom of priests, and an holy  (100)  1 John 5:19. We know
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