Page 145 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 145
No. XIL Gloomy View of the Future.
It is objected that this doctrine presents a gloomy vie-*
of the future; that "it is the philosophy of despair,"
that it stands opposed to the popular idea, viz. : that the
world is growing better, and "if it is true," it is sarcas-
tically said, "we might as well fold our hands and wait
for Christ to come."
We candidly think that many who raise these objectiona
have altogether mistaken the spirit and work of pre-mil-
We do Not Despair.
We neither despair, nor fold our hands to sleep.
the contrary, we are filled with a lively (Greek living)
hope (1 Pet. 1:3), the most "blessed hope" (Tit. 2:13),
while we strive to save some from this worldly, sinful and
adulterous generation, which is nigh unto cursing and
whose end is to be burned.
We would not deceive them with the hallucination that
they are "growing better/' for, as the apostle has said,
"we know that we are of God and the whole world lieth
in wickedness" (Greek in the wicked one), 1 John 5:19
and therefore we would tell them in the plain words of
Scripture, that they are in the broad way that leadeth to
destruction (Mat. 7:13), and that they must repent or
perish. Luke 13 :3. And further, that this same world,
once overflowed by the flood, is now "stored with fire*
*See the Greek.
afraid ; say unto the cities of (84) Gal. 1 :4. Who gave
Judah, Behold your God ; himself for our sins, that he
10. Behold the Lord Jehovah might deliver us from this pres-
will come as a mighty one, and ent evil world (age), accord-
his arm will rule for him : Be- ing to the will of God and our
hold his reward is with him, and Father.
his recompense before him. Heb. 6 :8. But that which
11. He will feed his flock like beareth thorns and briers is re-
a shepherd, he will gather the jected, and is nigh unto cursing ;
lambs in his arms, and carry whose end is to be burned,
them in his bosom, and will Mai. 4:1. For, behold, th
gently lead those that have their day cometh that shall burn as
young. an oven ; and all the proud, yea,