Page 147 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 147
Why, then, should they be so bitterly opposed for pro-
claiming this scriptural doctrine? Are they not all mem-
bers of the body of Christ? And, as such, do they not
merit the warmest sympathy and prayers of the Church?
Shall they be condemned because, like the early Church,
they are holding the traditions (or teachings handed down)
of the apostles, 88 and looking for Jesus? 89 God forbid!
But let us remember that "we be brethren," strangers and
pilgrims (Heb. 11:13), whose "citizenship" is in heaven
And let us speak "the truth in love," be
(Phil. 3:20).
built up in love (Eph. 4:15-16), and "walk in love" (Eph.
5:2), "redeeming the time, because the days are eviL" 90
The Days Are Evil.
Yes, THE DAYS ARE EVIL, and we freely admit that this
doctrine does present a gloomy future in the present evil
age, for this world of sinners, who are full of unbelief
and radically opposed to Christ, His people and His sal-
vation. They are rejecting God's gracious entreaties for
Verily I say unto you, I know Heb. 9:28. So Christ was
you not. once offered to bear the sins of
13. Watch therefore; for ye many ; and unto them that look
know neither the day nor the for him shall he appear the sec-
hour wherein the Son of man ond time without sin unto sal-
cometh. vation.
(87) 1 Cor. 12:25. That Also Tit. 2:13.
there should be no schism in the (90) Eph. 5:15. See the
body ; but that the members that ye walk circumspectly, not
should have the same care one as fools, but as wise,
lor another. 16. Redeeming the time, be-
26. And whether one member cause the days are evil.
suffer, all the members suffer (91) 2 Cor. 6:14. Be ye not
with it ; or one member be hon- unequally yoked together with
oured, all the members rejoice unbelievers ; for what fellowship
with It hath righteousness with unright-
(88) 2 Thes. 2:5. Remember eousness? and what communion
ye not, that, when I was yet hath light with darkness?
with you I told you these 15. And what concord hath
things? Christ and Belial? or what part
15i Therefore, brethren, stand hath he that believeth with an
fast, and hold the traditions infidel?
whicb ye have been taught, 16. And what agreement hath
whether by word, or our epistle. the temple of God with idols?
(89) Phil. 3:20. For our for ye are the temple of the
conversation Is in heaven ; from living God ; as God hath said,
whence also we look for the I will dwell in them, and walk
Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. in them; and I will be their