Page 187 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 187

184            JESUS IS COMING.
                         "Our conversation (&) Is in heaven; from
                        whence also we look for the Savior, the
                        Lord Jesus Christ."       Ph. 3:20.
                         "Waiting for the adoption,  to- wit, the
                        redemption of our body."  Rom. 8:23.
                         "Waiting for the coming of our Lord
                        Jesus Christ."           1 Cor. 1:7.
                         "Looking for that blessed hope."
                                                   Ti. 2:13.
                         "The patient waiting for Christ."
                                                 2 Th.  3:5.
                         "To wait  for His  Son from  heaven,
                        whom He  raised from  the dead,  even
                        Jesus."                  1 Th. 1:10.
                               THE RAPTURE.
                         "The Lord Himself    shall descend
         THE COMING                        (d)
                        from heaven with a shout,  (e) with the
          of the LORD   voice of the archangel and with the trump
         as the Bride-  of God."  (/)            1 Th. 4:16.
          groom, into    "At the last trump (0; for the trumpet
         the Air, for His  shall sound."        1 Cor. 15:52.
                         "Them  also which sleep in Jesus  will
          Church, (c)
                        God bring with him."  (0)  1 Th. 4:14.
          The Dead in    "The dead in Christ shall rise
         Christ raised.  first"                  1 Th. 4:16.
                         "In Christ shall all be made alive.  .  .  .
                       They that are Christ's at His coming."
                                             1 Cor. 15:22,  23.
                         "The dead shall  be raised  incorrupti-
                       ble."                    1 Cor. 15:52.
                         "Raised  in  incorruption;  .  .  . raised  in
                       glory;  .  .  . raised in power;  .  .  . raised
                       a spiritual body."     1 Cor. 15:42-44.
         (b) Or  "Citizenship."  see  Jno.  (f) The trumpet sounded twice
            17:16;  Ep.  2:19;  He.  11:10,  when  the  Lord  descended
            13,  16;  12:22.         upon  Sinai,  see  Ex.  19:11,
         (c) "Watch,  therefore;  for  ye  17.  And  so when He  de-
            know  not what hour your  scends  to  take  the church
            Lord doth come." Mk.  13:  unto  Himself,  at  its  first
            32,  37;  1 Th.  5:6.    sounding  the  dead  In
         (d) That  is,  personally,  yet  Christ  will  be  raised,  and
            seen by none but believers;  at its last sounding, the liv-
            vide Jno. 14:19; Acts 1:3,  ing saints  will be changed.
            9;  9:7;  10:40,  41;  1  Co. 15:  (g) The  Old  Testament  saints
                                     also  will  doubtless  at  this
         <e) Understood by those only to  time
            whom          see            receive  their  glorified
                                     bodies,  see Heb.  11:39,  40.
            12:28,  29; Ac.  9:4.  7.
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