Page 188 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 188

THE RAPTURE.                  185

                       "We which are alive, and remain unto
       Living Believ-
                     the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent
       ers Changed.
                     (a) them which are asleep."  1 Th. 4:15.
                      "We shall not all sleep, but we shall all
                     be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling
                     of an eye.  .  .  . and we shall be changed."
                     (6)                  1 Cor. 15:51.  52.
                       "The Lord  Jesus  Christ  .  .  .  shall
                     change our vile body,  (c) that it may be
                     fashioned like unto His glorious body."
                                             Ph. 3:20, 21.
                      "And as we have borne the image of the
                     earthy, we shall also bear the image of
                     the heavenly."          1 Cor. 15:49.
                      "For this corruptible must put on incor-
                     ruption, and this mortal must put on im-
                     mortality."             1 Cor. 15:53.
                      "Then we which are alive and remain,
       Both Caught   shall be .caught up  together, with them
        up into the  in the clouds,  to meet the Lord  in the
       Clouds, (d)   air."                    1 Th. 4:17.
                      "The coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
                     and  .  .  .  our gathering together unto
                     Him."                     2 Th. 2:1.
                      "So shall we ever be with the Lord."
        To be Ever
                                              1 Th. 4:17.
       with the Lord.
                      "That where  I am,  there ye may be
                     also."                    Jno. 14:3.
                      "Where I am, there shall also my serv-
                     ant be."                  Jno. 12:26.
                      "With me where I am; that they may
                     behold my glory."         Jno. 17:24.
                      "They shall never perish."  Jno. 10:28.
                      "Because I  live, ye shall live also."
                                              Jno. 14:19.
                      "That we  should  live  together  with
                     Him."                    1 Th. 5:10.
                      "An  .  .  . eternal weight of glory."
                                              2 Cor. 4:17.
                       "Eternal inheritance."
                                     He.  9:15;  1 Pet  1:4.
                      "He (e) shall go no more out."
                                               Rev. 3:12.
       (a) That  is,  'Anticipate*  or  'go  or  "low  estate,"  Lu.  1:48;
          before.'                 Ac.  8:33; Ph.  2:8.
       (b) "Then .... Death  is swal-  (d) "The  redemption  of  the
          lowed up in victory,"  1  Co.  purchased  possession."  Ro.
          16:54; and "Mortality swal-  8:23; Ep. 1:14.
          lowed up of life."  2 Co.  5:4.  (e) The overcomer, Re.  3:12;  1
       <C) The body of our "humble"  Jno.  5:4,  5.
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