Page 193 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 193

190            JESUS IS COMINQ.

                         "Shall  awake,  ...  to  everlasting
                        life."                    Dan.  12:2.
                         "This  is the  first resurrection."  (c)
                                                  Rev. 20:5.
                         "And in the  days  of these  kings
          THE LORD                                     (<*)
            REIGNS       hall the God of heaven set up a kingdom
                        which shall never be destroyed."
                                                 Dan.  2:44.
           the Earth.
                         "I will raise unto David a  righteous
                        Branch, and a king shall reign and pros-
                        per,  and  shall  execute  judgment  and
                        justice in the earth."    Jer.  23:5.
                         "And the Lord God shall give unto him
                        the throne of his father David."
                                         Lu.  1:32.  (Isa.  9:7.)
                         "My king upon my holy hill of Zion."
                                                   Ps.  2:6.
                         "The Lord of hosts shall reign in Mount
                        Zion and in Jerusalem, and before his an-
                        cients, gloriously."  Isa.  24:23.  (Mi.  4:7.)
                         "The king of Israel, even the LORD is in
                        the midst of thee."       Zep. 3:15.
                         "He must reign  till He hath put  all
                        enemies under his  feet." (?)
                                               1 Cor.  15:25.
                         "Yea,  all kings shall fall down before
                        Him;  all nations shall serve Him."
                                                  Ps.  72:11.
                         "The kingdoms of  this world  are be-
                        come the kingdoms of our Lord and of
                        His Christ."             Rev.  11:15.
                         "He shall have dominion also from sea
                        to sea and from the river unto the ends
                        of the earth."  Ps.  72:8.  (Zee.  9:10.)
                         "And the Lord shall be king over  all
                        the earth; in that day there shall be one
                        LORD, and His name one."  Zee.  14:9.
                         "King of kings, and Lord of lords."
           With His
                                                 Rev.  19:16.
            BRIDE,       "We shall also reign with Him."
          the Church.
                                               2 Tim.  2:12.
                         "Heirs of  God,  and  joint-heirs  with
                        Christ;  .  .  .  glorified  together."
                                                 Rom.  8:17.
         (c) Including,  "Christ  the  first  (d) Antichrist  and  the  allied
            fruits;  afterward they that  kings,  Dan.  7:24; Rev.  17:
            are Christ's at his coming,"  12-13.
            the Ingathering,  1  Cor.  15:  (e) "Unto me every knee  shal!
            23;  and  here  the  martyrs  bow."  Isa.  45:23;  Ph.  2:9.
            under Antichrist  (the   11.
            Gleanings),  Rev.  20:4.
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