Page 30 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 30
If we are faithful unto death (that is, though faithful-
ness cost us our lives) He has promised us a crown 4 but
we do not receive it until He comes. 8
Nothing is promised us at death, except to be at rest*
in Paradise. But we are promised all things in the resur-
rection, when Jesus comes.
Therefore we find Paul yearning for this resurrection. 9
He did not want to be unclothed by death but clothed
upon by the resurrection.
(4) Rev. 2 :10. Fear none of not recompense thee : for thou
those things which thou shalt shalt be recompensed at the res-
suffer : behold, the devil shall urrection of the just
cast some of you into prison, Luke 20 :35. But they which
that ye may be tried ; and ye shall be accounted worthy to ob-
shall have tribulation ten days : tain that world, and the resur-
be thou faithful unto death, and rection from the dead, neither
I will give thee a crown of life. marry, nor are given in mar-
(5) 2 Tim. 4:8. Henceforth riage:
there is laid up for me a crown 36. Neither can they die any
of righteousness, which the Lord, more : for they are equal unto
the righteous judge, shall give the angels ; and are the children
me at that day : and not to me of God, being the children of the
only, but unto all them also that resurrection.
love his appearing. Rom. 8 :32. He that spared
1 Pet. 5 :4. And when the Dot his own Son, but delivered
chief Shepherd shall appear, ye him up for us all, how shall he
shall receive a crown of glory not with him also freely give us
that fadeth not away. all things?
(6) 2 Thes. 1 :7. And to you
(9) Phil. 3:11. If by any
who are troubled rest with us, means I may attain unto the
when the Lord Jesus shall be re- resurrection from the dead.
vealed from heaven with his
(10) 2 Cor. 5 :4. For we that
mighty angels. are in this tabernacle do groan,
Rev. 14 :13. And I heard a being burdened : not for that we
voice from heaven saying unto
me, Write, Blessed are the dead would be unclothed, but clothed
which die in the Lord from upon, that mortality might be
swallowed up of life.
henceforth. Yea, s'aith the I shew
Spirit, that they may rest from 1 Cor. 15 :51. Behold,
their labours ; and their works you a mystery We shall not all
do follow them. sleep, but shall all
(7) Luke 16:22. And it came changed,
to pass, that the beggar died, 52. In a moment, in the
and was carried by the angels twinkling of an eye, at the last
i-nto Abraham's bosom : the rich trump : for the trumpet shall
man also died, and was buried. sound, and the dead shall be
Luke 23 :43. And Jesus said raised incorruptible, and we shall
be changed.
unto him, Verily I say unto thee,
Today shalt thou be with me in 53. For this corruptible must
paradise. put on incorruption, and this
(8) Luke 14:14. And thou mortal must put on immortality.
for they can- 54. So when this corruptible
shalt be blessed ;