Page 32 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 32

NOT DEATH.                  29
     lievers changed, as they will be when the Lord conies. We
     know very  little about Hades or the intermediate state of
     the dead. It is probably true that, since the resurrection of
     our Lord, the souls of believers, at death, go to a Paradise
     above, so that Paul could say "absent from the  body, pres-
     ent with the Lord."  2 Cor. 5:8.  But  it would appear,
     from Rev. 6 rQ-ll,  that certain of the departed souls yearn
     for the execution of Judgment, which occurs when the Lord
     comes.  12  Spiritually, the believer is with Christ now, and
           13                        14
     always,  but, to be with Christ, bodily,  is only to be at-
     tained by the resurrection, at His coming.  Therefore, it
       (11) Rev. 6:9.  And when he  fear thy name, small and great  ;
     had opened the  fifth seal,  I saw  and  shouldest  destroy  them
     under  the  altar  the  souls  of  which destroy the earth.
     them  that  were  slain  for  the  Also Mat. 25 31-40.
     word of God, and  for the testi-  (13) John 14:23.  Jesus an-
     mony which they held :   swered and said unto him.  If a
       10. And they cried with a loud  man  love me. he  will keep my
     voice, saying. How long, O Lord,  words  : and my Father will love
     holy  and  true,  dost  thou  not  him, and we will Come unto him,
     Judge and avenge our blood on  and make our abode with him.
     them that dwell on the earth?
                                Mat.  28 :20.  Teaching them
       11. And  white  robes  were
                              to observe all things whatsoever
     given unto every one  of them  ;  I have commanded you  : and,
     and  it was said unto them, that              lo,
                              I am with you alway, even unto
     they should rest yet for a little  the end of the world.  Amen.
     season,  until  their  fellow  serv-  (1*) John 12:26. If any man
     ants  also  and  their  brethren,
                              serve  me,  let him  follow me  ;
     that  should  be  killed  as  they
                              and where I am, there shall also
     were, should be  fulfilled.
       (12) 1  Cor.  4:5.  Therefore  my servant be  :  if any man serve
     Judge nothing  before  the  time,  me, him will my Father honour.
     until the Lord come, who both  John  17:24.  Father,  I  will
     will  bring  to  light  the  hidden  that they  also, whom thou hast
     things of darkness and will make  given me,  be with me where  I
     manifest  the  counsels  of  the  am  ;  that they may behold my
     hearts :  then  shall  every  glory, which thou hast given me :
     man have  prais'e of God.  for thou  lovedst me before the
                              foundation of the world.
       2 Tim. 4 :1.  I charge thee in
     the sight  of God, and of Christ  (15) John 14 :3.  And  if I go
     Jesus, who  shall judge the  liv-  and prepare a place  for you,  I
     ing and  the  dead,  and by  his  will come again, and receive you
     appearing and his kingdom  :  unto myself; that where  I am,
       Rev. 11 :18.  And the nations  there ye may be also.
     were  angry,  and  thy wrath  is  1 Thes. 4 :17.  Then we which
     come, and the time of the dead,  are  alive and remain  shall bo
     that they should be Judged, and  caught up together with them in
     that thou shouldest give reward  the clouds,  to meet the Lord in
     unto thy servants the prophets,  the air  : and so shall we erer be
     and to the saints, and them that  with the Lord.
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