Page 55 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 55
Spiritual Life in Paradise.
Equally fallacious is the interpretation which claims that
the first resurrection is the spiritual life of believers with
Christ in Paradise (the intermediate place of the holy
dead). For this spiritual life begins, not at death, but at
the regeneration. It begins with the first exercise of faith
in Christ. "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting
life." John 3:36. Hath it now. Is quickened already
(Col. 2:13), and has been raised (Eph. 2:6; Col. 3:1),
and lives the life he now lives by the faith of the Son of
God. Gal. 2:19, 20. This spiritual resurrection spoken of
is expressed by words
in Eph. 2:6; Col. 2:12, 13; 3:1,
entirely different from anastasis, which is used in Rev. 20:
5-6, and which everywhere in the New Testament expresses
a literal resurrection.
Only the Beheaded Mentioned.
Again it is objected that only the beheaded are men-
tioned and those who have specially to do with the beast
and His image.
This is true of the latter part of the verse only.
we believe that these are the Tribulation Saints who accept
of Christ and become His martyrs under the reign of Anti-
16 to meet
christ, after the Church has been caught up
(16) 2 Thes. 2 :1. Now we be- 4. Who opposeth and exalteth
seech you, brethren, by the com- himself above all that is called
ing of our Lord Jesus Christ, God, or that is worshipped ; so
and by our gathering together that he as God sitteth in the
unto him, temple of God, shewing himself
2. That ye be not soon shaken that he is God.
In mind, or be troubled, neither 6. Remember ye not, that,
by spirit, nor by word, nor by when I was yet with you, I told
letter as from us, as that the you these things?
day of Christ is at hand. 6. And now ye know what
3. Let no man deceive you by withholdeth that he might be
any means: for that day shall revealed in his time.
not come, except there come a 7. For the mystery of iniquity
falling away first, and that man doth already work : only he who
of sin be revealed, the son of now letteth will let, until he b
taken out of the way.