Page 56 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 56
Christ in the air. (See page 101.) But notice that the
first part of the verse speaks of some as though they had
already beea raised. "And I saw thrones, and they sat
upon them, and judgment was given unto them."
Nothing is said about the resurrection of these, because
they had already been raised at the Kapture previous to
the Tribulation.
They are all ready to occupy the thrones and reign upon
the earth according to the promises. But John sees the
8. And then shall that Wicked free and bond, to receive a mark
be revealed, whom the Lord shall in their right band, or in their
consume with the spirit of his foreheads :
mouth, and shall destroy with 17. And that no man might
the brightness of* his coming: buy or sell, save he that had
9. Even him, whose coming Is the mark, or the name of the
after the working of Satan with beast, or the number of hia
axl power and signs and lying name.
wonders. 18. Here Is wisdom. Let him
Rev. 13 :11. And I beheld an- that ham understanding count
other beast coming up out of the the numoer of the beast: for it
earth ; and he had two horns is the number of a man ; and his
like a lamb, and he spake as' a number is Six hundred three-
dragon. score and sis..
12. And he exerciseth all the (17) 1 Thes. 4:16. For the
power of the first beast before Lord himself shall descend from
him, and causeth the earth and heaven with a shout, with the
them which dwell therein to wor-
voice of the archangel, and with
ship the first beast, whose deadly the trump of God : and the dead
wound was healed. in Christ shall rise first:
13. And he doeth great won-
17. Then we which are
ders, so that he maketh fire and remain shall be caught up
come down from heaven on the
together with them in the clouds,
earth in the sight of men, : and
14. And deceiveth them that to meet the Lord in the air
dwell on the earth by the means so shall we ever be with the
of those miracles which he had
power to do in the sight of the 18. Wherefore comfort one an-
beast ; saying to them that dwell other with these words.
on the earth, that they should (18) Mat. 19:28. And Jesus
make an image to the beast, said unto them, Verily I say
which had the wound by a sword, unto you, That ye which have
and did live. followed me, in the regeneration
when the Son of man shall
15. And he had power to give sit
In the throne of his
life unto the image of the beast, glory, yo
that the image of the beast also shall sit upon twelve
should both speak, and cause thrones, judging the twelve tribes
that as many as would not wor- of Israel.
ship the image of the beast 1 Cor. 6 :2. Do ye not know
should be killed. that the saints shall judge the
16. And he causeth all, both world? and if the world shall
email and great, rich and poor, be judged by you, are ye un-