Page 42 - Hive 28 March 2019
P. 42



         At midnight on 27th/28th April 2018, staff
         from the Leigh Services Helpdesk took part
         in the Manchester midnight walk.

         The walk, in aid of St Ann’s Hospice in Manchester, is a
         distance of 10km and takes place annually. The route starts
         at the iconic Manchester Cathedral and takes in some of
         Manchester’s most famous landmarks including the Hilton
         Hotel, Old Granada Studios, Spinningfields, MEN Arena, the
         Northern Quarter, past the Universities and ends back at
         Manchester Cathedral.

         The walkers mixed with the Manchester party revellers who
         were out late at night. The staff who took part were Danika
         Coleman, Amy Valentine, Sharon Lardner and Lauren Holt.
         St Anne’s Hospice in Manchester looked after Sharon’s sister
         Susan who sadly passed away in 2017 and the four girls
         taking part raised over £400 for the Hospice.

         The girls pictured opposite still looking ‘fresh as daisies’
         with Sharon (rear centre), Danika (right), Lauren (left) and
         Amy (front centre) taking the ‘selfie’ at the end of the walk.
         Andy Vickers, Services Operations Director said
         “The girls have completed an amazing achievement
         one which we are all very proud of”.

                                             BRAVE THE SHAVE

                                              Sam, from the Plymouth office recently received her five year ‘Clear of Cancer’
                                              from her doctor. She decided a good way to celebrate would be to sign up to
                                              ‘BRAVE THE SHAVE’ for Macmillan Cancer Support. So on 28th August 2018 she
                                              did just that and received a great response raising £800. A big Thank You to all
                                              friends, colleagues and suppliers who sponsored Sam.

          NEW BABIES

                   CAITLYN SUM WONG                 JACK THOMAS LANCASTER                 DOMINIC NEIL CUZICK
          Sum Wong of Small Works Department, Cardiff and   Natasha Forrest who works as a Helpdesk Operator   Hannah and Mark Cuzick welcomed their 5th
          her husband David welcomed baby girl Caitlyn into   for Leigh Services gave birth to Jack Thomas   child, baby Dominic Neil Cuzick, born 7th January
             the world on 25th July weighing 5lb 12oz.  Lancaster on 7th February 2018. Jack weighed in   2018 at Good Hope Hospital, Birmingham
                                             at a very healthy 7lb 14oz and is the second son for   weighing 9lb 6oz.
                                                    Natasha and her partner Danny.
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