Page 37 - Hive 28 March 2019
P. 37


       MAN CITY FAN              Cheshire) as he had a surprise for
                                 him. Tony thought this was odd,
       FINALLY MEETS             as Pete is an ardent supporter of
       HIS HEROES                Manchester United.
                                 Tony quickly dressed and made his
       Tony Dean, an Electrical Supervisor   way down to his local where he was
       for Lorne Stewart Engineering North   shocked to be met by one of his
       West has been a life-long supporter   idols, Vincent Kompany, Manchester
       of Manchester City and held a season   City’s Captain. Vincent explained
       ticket for 30 years the old Maine Road   that he had heard from a mutual
       Stadium and the new Etihad Stadium.
                                 friend (Pete) about a serious ordeal
                                 Tony had in 2017 which resulted in
       On Sunday evening 15th April   him being off work for five months
       2018, Manchester City had just won   due to a traumatic brain injury.
       the Premiership title due to West                    Tony had a fantastic
       Bromwich Albion inflicting a surprise   Vincent then invited Tony to sit with   night and has some great
       defeat on Manchester United at Old   him and some of his friends. Tony   photos and memories of
       Trafford. Following this, Tony was   was surprised to find John Stones,   finally meeting his idols.
       called by Pete Brody a very close   Kyle Walker and Fabian Delph, other
       friend of his. Pete asked why Tony   Manchester City title winners in his   Left to right: Fabian Delph,
       was not out celebrating City winning   local pub sitting in the area normally   Vincent Kompany, Tony
       the title and told him to go down   occupied by himself.  Dean and Kyle Walker
       to his local (The Railway in Hale,



        John Nevin, Lorne Stewart   have recognised John’s actions by   Andy Vickers, Operations Director,   Timothy Davies from the
        Facilities Electrical Engineer on   offering him and his partner a night’s   Lorne Stewart Facilities Northern   Leigh Healthcare Division has
        Virgin Trains East Coast Project   stay in a hotel including evening meal.    added... “John, once again, on   been awarded the Operation
        has recently been rewarded for   Nik Smith from VTEC commented   behalf of Lorne Stewart and   Director’s ‘Commendation and
        his selfless act in supporting   “John has done something very   VTEC; many thanks for your   Thanks award’ for his excellent
        a member of public at Newark   commendable          selfless act and for going   service on the 2Gether Trust
        Station.                                            beyond the call of duty.”    contract. Tim received his
                                 in what was a self-sacrificing act,                     award from Contract Manager,
        Virgin Trains East Coast (VTEC)   I hope you can award him in some               Matthew Brockway.
        have presented John with two   way. John is a very unassuming
        First Class return tickets for travel   individual, but a highly valued asset
        anywhere on their route and in   on all the sites he covers and by our
        addition Lorne Stewart Facilities   wider Property Team.”

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