Page 36 - Hive 28 March 2019
P. 36

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          BAM KPI AWARD             Lorne Stewart are installing all the   BAM H&S AWARD FOR
                                    electrics for the car park including
          FOR LEIGH                 lighting, CCTV, fire alarm and access   JON MORREY-GROSSMAN
          ENGINEERING               control. The Site Team consists of                    In May 2018, Jon Morrey-
                                    Kieron Jones, Senior Project Manager                  Grossman was awarded the BAM
          In April 2018, Leigh Engineering were   and Kevin Grossman Site Manager.        Monthly Health and Safety Award in
          awarded the BAM Best Performance   The main Sub-Contractor working              recognition for his positive and pro-
          Sub-contractor Award in recognition   for Lorne Stewart is Letman Group         active attitude to Health and Safety
          for the high standards of Site Safety   Ltd who are supervised on site by       on site at the new Manchester Airport
          Management during that month.  Jed Weekes the Electrical Supervisor             ‘Meet and Greet’ multi-storey car park
                                    and they contributed greatly to Lorne                 currently being erected.
          This award was presented to the   Stewart winning this award.
          Site Team at the Manchester Airport’s                                           Jon served his Electrical
          new ‘Meet and Greet’ Car Park at   David Brickliffe, Regional Director          Apprenticeship with Rotary Building
          Terminal 3, which when completed,   stated “Health and Safety has               Services North West and is now
          will accommodate 6,500 vehicles and   been paramount on this site due
  34      is Phase 1 of 3 being constructed in   to the unusual nature of the large       working for Leigh Engineering on site.
          the Terminal 3 area. The project   concrete works involved. The Site            His father Kevin Grossman who also
                                                                                          works for Lorne Stewart as a Site
          began in January of 2018 and the   Team has once again produced                 Manager at Manchester Airport said
          first part of Phase 1 was handed over   first rate Health and Safety   Jon being presented with his award
          in July 2018 with the Project   Management”.         by Tom Carlill, BAM Site Manager  “I’m really proud of Jon and he
          completion estimated for Feb 2019.                                              thoroughly deserves this award”.

          Kieron Jones holding the award (centre), Kevin Grossman (front row, far left),
          Jed Weekes of the Letman Group Ltd (front row, far right) and the rest of the Team
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