Page 10 - Foreign Language Catalogue 2021 (22092021)
P. 10

Elizabeth I:                                    Emerald Islands
                                                  Killer Queen                                         of Malaysia
                                                                                                            1 x 60’, 4K
                                                       1 x 60’, HD
              A real-life Elizabethan murder mystery that has lain unsolved for 450 years. Did   The islands of Malaysia are jewels of nature; ancient rain forests cascade
              one of the most controversial royal love affairs in history, that of Elizabeth I and   down mountains into crystal clear seas. From silvered langurs caring for their
              Robert Dudley lead to savage murder? New evidence shines a spotlight on one   bright orange babies and ants tending their herds of mealy bugs, to boisterous
              of British history’s most fascinating and darkest secrets.  mudskippers and a noisy fruit bat roost - this is nature at its most extraordinary!
                                                                   Innovative photography allows us to explore the tiny world of insects, and the
                                                                   beautiful colours of the coral reefs. These are the Emerald Islands of Malaysia.
                                                    Quickfire Media                             Backwards Roll Productions

                                            End of the Big Cats                              Epic Safari Encounters
                                                       4 x 60’, HD                                         26 x 30’, 4K
              Can you imagine a life without lions, cheetahs and leopards? Fifty years ago, there   Join Kristina Guberman as she takes you on a tour of some of the most
              were more than half a million lions in Africa. Today there are fewer than 20,000.   fascinating and incredible safari destinations in Zimbabwe and Southern Africa.
              With  illegal  and  legal  hunting  ever  prevalent,  a  world  without  these  majestic   At each destination Kristina is joined by some of the finest wildlife guides on the
              predators could soon become a reality. This series gives a new perspective on   planet as they lead her on epic safaris, life changing experiences and amazing
              the problems suffered by the big cats in this changing era in Africa.  spectacular vistas. The wow factor is at every turn!
                                                       Orbita Max                                   Goddunnit Promotions

                                     Europe’s Last Wild Horses                                     Extinction Sucks
                                                      1 x 60’, HD                                          6 x 30’, HD
              This programme follows the last remaining herd of wild horses in Europe, where   Extinction Sucks follows the real life adventures of two remarkable girls who’ll
              they live in the protected area of Munsterland, Germany. Across a year we get a   try anything to bamboozle people into parting with their money. It’s all in a good
              rare glimpse of a dying breed, whose habitat is being slowly swallowed by the   cause:  the  girls  spend  every  penny  they  raise  helping  endangered  animals,
              21st century.                                        proving that people who are crazy enough to think they can save the world are
                                                                   often the ones who can...
     Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro
                                         Light and Shadow Productions                         Off the Fence/Bablegum/WWF
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