Page 8 - Foreign Language Catalogue 2021 (22092021)
P. 8

Colombia: Magia Salvaje                                  Crocodile Wranglers
                                                       1 x 90’, HD                                         1 x 60’, HD
              Colombia’s natural world is diverse and inspiring, but it is often overlooked as   They are the biggest, meanest, and some say, deadliest animals in the world.
              headlines are made elsewhere. This film charmingly explores the wonder of   Few approach them, few can face them, and few understand them. Those who
              Colombia’s landscape and wildlife, and finds that while many humans are an   dare are called ‘Crocodile Wranglers’ and include a researcher who puts his
              integral part of the ecosystem, others seem to work tirelessly to undermine it. A   entire arm down the throat of a crocodile, captures a 750lb salt water croc and
              film of natural stories, striking splendour and surprising charm, we unveil a wild   demonstrates a ‘death roll’.
              Colombia you won’t forget.
                              Off the Fence/Almacenes Exito S.A./Ecoplanet                              Hoff Productions

                                                Cuddly & Wild:                               Cute Little Killers: The
                                       Adorable Animal Babies                              Predators With Pouches
                                                      1 x 60’, HD                                          1 x 60’, 4K
              The first months of a wild animal’s life are fraught with danger. Newborns require   It was a case of mistaken identity. Explorers confused them for ravenous cats, rats
              sufficient food, must often compete with their siblings for their parents’ care   and weasels. But they were something completely unknown…a curious band of
              and attention and must learn quickly how to survive in nature. In addition, they   marsupials with a taste for blood, bone and meat. Scores of different predators
              frequently face external dangers from predators or environmental conditions. This   with pouches live all across Australia. The lives of many are at risk. Introducing the
              film is a gripping and emotional investigation of the perils young animals face in   numbat, the northern quoll, the dibbler – strange names, strange animals – and
              the forests, meadows and lakes and along the coastlines of northern Europe.  the strangers who want to keep them safe.
                      Doclights/NDR Naturfilm/Terra Mater Factual Studios                   Terra Mater Factual Studios

                                             Destination China                                Destination Myanmar
                                                       2 x 60’, 4K                                          1 x 60’, 4K
              Yunnan province in southwest China has an incredible landscape, with snow-   Myanmar, previously known as Burma, is a country with some of the most beautiful
              capped mountains, rice terraces, lakes, rubber plantations, gorges and tropical   scenery in Asia. Its culture and wildlife is temptingly wrapped in mystique. It is a
              rain forests. Bordering Myanmar, Laos and Vietman, Yunnan’s distinctive   globally recognised biodiversity hotspot with unspoilt habitats that harbour many
              nature reserves were awarded World Heritage status for their rich biodiversity.   endangered species. Destination Myanmar takes the audience to some of the
              Destination China takes you to some of China’s most beautiful landscapes, home   most beautiful and stunning Asian heritage wetlands when fisherman paddle
     Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro
              to 6,000 species of plants, 200 mammals and 500 birds.  using one leg across shallow waters and past floating gardens.
                                                    Peter Ringgaard                                      Peter Ringgaard
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