Page 16 - Foreign Language Catalogue 2021 (22092021)
P. 16

A Natural Affair:  The Human/
                                Mystery Monkeys Of Shangri-La                                   Nature Connection
                                                       1 x 60’, HD                                         1 x 60’, HD
              Strangely beautiful. As endangered as the giant panda. Charismatic, but elusive   We have a fascinating and occasionally surreal relationship with animals and
              – until now. This is the first time the extremely rare and widely unknown Yunnan   plants. This film explores examples of these relationships, areas where human
              snub-nosed monkeys are thoroughly documented. A moving family drama, this   and the natural world meet in surprising ways! What are we able to learn from
              documentary is a captivating story of two half-brothers facing a struggle to survive   nature? How can nature profit from our existence? And who needs who to
              in a remote valley of the Chinese Himalayas.         survive? From lifeforms on and in our bodies, to caretakers of nature; a human-
                                                                   nature connection exists throughout our lives, and we’ll explore it all in ‘A Natural
                 Terra Mater Factual Studios/Wild China Films/Mark Fletcher   Affair’.      Terra Mater Factual Studios
                         Productions Ltd/Thirteen Productions LLC/WNET

                                         The Nuclear Requiem                                Ocean Rescue Australia
                                                      1 x 90’, HD                                          1 x 60’, HD
              This absorbing film is a meditation on why nuclear weapons still exist, 70 years   The team from Ocean Rescue Australia takes us on dangerous and challenging
              on from their creation. The production of the documentary involved interviewing   missions, as they risk their lives to save trapped, sick or injured marine life in the
              witnesses from a range of different perspectives. It also incorporates a specially   beautiful waters of Australia.
              composed musical piece by French composer Alain Kremski which beautifully
              underscores the continuing challenge of dealing with the most lethal weapon
              ever created by humankind.
                                            Whistling Communications                   Rock Wallaby Productions/Splash Media

                                                                                                Oldies but Goldies:
                                                                                            A Journey to Germany’s
                                           Oceans of Contrast                                          Oldest Trees
                                                      1 x 60’, HD                                          1 x 60’, HD
              The southern part of the African Continent is a dramatic landscape. Two   Trees reach the greatest age of all living things and are home and refuge to
              contrasting currents, the cold Benguela on the west and south and warm Agulhas   innumerable animals. This film portrays the most beautiful and aged trees in
              on the east, bathe the shores of almost 3000 kilometres of coastline. With   Germany. Many of these veterans are dying and their descendants rely on man.
              dazzling underwater and aerial cinematography the programme will showcase   It is up to us humans to give these youngsters sufficient space and time to grow
              this unique marine heritage of South and southern Africa.  old.
     Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro
                                             Homebrew Film Company                                          Nautilusfilm
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