Page 21 - Foreign Language Catalogue 2021 (22092021)
P. 21

The Sun: Inferno
                                Sumatra’s Last Tigers                                          In The Sky
                                             1 x 60, HD                                           1 x 60’, 4K
     Deep in the heart of Sumatra’s Jambi region a hunt is on. In 2010, eight   Every now and then giant clouds of plasma are ejected from the suns surface into
     Indonesians were murdered in the forest and the killer is still at large. Of the eight   space towards earth. A sun storm can cause severe damage, from power failures
     victims, seven have been partially eaten. What creature counts humans as a food   to the complete loss of satellites. We urgently need to learn more about the sun
     source? A 300lb Sumatran tiger.                     to be able to develop better defenses against its occasional outbursts. This film
                                                         reveals the most recent findings, gathered by scientists from the 2012 superstorm
                                                         that shall help protecting Earth’s infrastructure from future solar storms.
                   Infocusasia/Off the Fence/NGCI/MDA Singapore                   Terra Mater Factual Studios

                                                                                              Tall & Tiny:
                                       Super Senses                                     Nature’s Extremes         Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro
                                            13 x 30’, HD                                          1 x 60’, HD
     Ever wondered why some animals have such crazy looking sense organs? Why   Tremendously tall or ridiculously small. Meet giant birds that can’t fly and even
     do snakes have a split tongue? Why do elephants have such huge ears? Why do   bigger mammals that defy gravity. There is the brush turkey with its outrageously
     moths have antennae that look like feathers? Every feature has a special purpose   large feet – and the obscure – giant African bullfrogs challenging each other for
     that has evolved to ensure the survival of the animal. Just like us, animals rely on   their offspring! En masse, termites become fierce defenders, schools of anchovies
     their senses for communication, navigation, finding food and staying safe.  become impenetrable and we find out that much on Earth that appears gigantic
                                                         is made up or nourished by the smallest of the small.
                                   KM Pus Media/Big Media                         Terra Mater Factual Studios

                     Tasmania: Weird And Wonderful                                    Top 10: Architecture
                                             1 x 60’, 4K                                         10 x 60’, HD
     At the bottom of the world, a unique island ark is filled with some of Australia’s   We are surrounded by buildings, structures and spaces, they fascinate and attract
     strangest creatures like the wombat, the platypus, the echidna and the boisterous   us, influencing and affecting the way that we live. Top 10: Architecture takes us on
     meat-eating Tasmanian Devil. They live in rugged snow-covered mountains,   a journey to visit these celebrated and renowned buildings, structures and spaces.
     ancient forests, crystal pools, or rocky beaches. Meet these unique animals at   We will explore and examine the different aspects of design and construction,
     home in one of the world’s last, greatest wild refuges, Tasmania.  telling the story of those that imagined, designed and brought them into being.

            Terra Mater Factual Studios/Wildlife Films Production                       KM Plus Media/Big Media
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