Page 23 - Science 2020/2021
P. 23

    One Way Astronaut: Dying 33
Million Miles From Home
1 x 60’, 2013, HD
Imagine going to space knowing you were never coming back - surely the stuff of nightmares. Not for the thousands of people who have applied for Mars One, the first mission to see humans living and dying in space. With interviews from aspiring Mars One astronauts and space experts, this gripping documentary tells of the incredible risks, sacrifices and extraordinary feats that those involved will have to overcome.
Tetteroo Media
Out of Control explores the science and ingenuity involved in stopping dangerous machines when they go wrong: the measures that can be taken and systems in place to stop something that’s going wrong. As technology progresses, designers have prepared limited safeguards against a potential failure to stop machinery or vehicles – and in some cases, save lives.
Mike Mathis Productions/National Geographic
What happens when our medicine stops working? The rise of antibiotic resistance and super-bugs is real. Antibiotics might be the keystone of modern medicine, but in the very near future they won’t work. This documentary is about the future of medicine. We talk to microbiologists and doctors, to explore what has gone wrong, what steps are being taken to plan for the future, and just how much risk we face.
Octopus Pictures
This documentary reveals the latest developments in deep sea science, exploring the still largely unknown abyss of the ocean and its essential impact on our environment and climate. In a world of dwindling resources and a changing climate, we need to know more about the depths of the element that makes our planet a blue one.
Marco Polo Film
The prospect of Earth being ruled from space is no longer science fiction as technology now exists to weaponize space. With unprecedented access to present and former US military personnel, this documentary reveals the state of play through generals, space-policy analysts, politicians, diplomats, peace activists, and hawks.
Lowik Media
As coral reefs around the world struggle to survive and global fish populations suffer steep declines, an unlikely hero comes to the rescue: a Boeing 747. This stunning, one-hour film is a world exclusive, inside account of how a 200-ton aviation giant is transformed, first into a winged submarine, and then into a unique platform that can propel environmental healing and underwater conservation. ‘A Plane to Save the Oceans’ is the unique, blue-chip account of an experiment that’s proved so successful, that it’s about to be repeated. Chanupa Media
  Out Of Control
1 x 60’, 2007, HD
Operation Deep Sea: Shedding
Light In The Darkness
1 x 60’. 2008, HD
  Pax Americana
1 x 60’ or 1 x 85’, 2009, HD
    Peak Antibiotics
1 x 60’, 2017, HD
A Plane To Save The Oceans
1 x 60’, 2020, 4K

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