Page 19 - Autumn Lineup Catalogue 2021
P. 19

Wild Romania                                            Wilderness
                                      3 x 60’ or 1 x 120’, 2021, 4K                               6 x 60’, 2021, HD
       The Carpathian Mountains and the Danube River are birth parents to Romania,   Taking the perspective of animals in a world where humankind is, slowly, starting to
       the wildest country in Europe. Over 3 episodes we journey into the heart of the   realise that we must make changes in order to preserve nature and enable a future
       Carpathian Mountains, the country’s backbone which, is home to the largest   for the generations to come. ‘Wilderness’ takes you on a journey of discovery, to a
       population of bears, wolves and lynxes in Europe. We discover a bird heaven where   wonderful world of breath-taking views and endangered species. To a Europe that
       the Danube River ends and the largest wetland on the continent begins. This is   seems as wild as it must have been a thousand years ago. Discover some of the
       where more than half of all European bird species can be found. In some parts of   rarest, strongest, and most fascinating animals of Europe. Each episode focuses on
       Romania’s vast wilderness, you can travel for hundreds of kilometers without seeing   one animal and presents its lifestyle, needs and habitat. What are their challenges
       a human being. It is as wild as it can get in this part of the world. This is Europe as   in this changing world? How does climate change affect them and how do they
       it once was. This is… ‘Wild Romania’.                defend their territory against human influence?
                                       SC Filmexplorer Network                         Gebruder Beetz Filmproduktion  TODAY - NATURE & WILDLIFE

                                                                                                  Wild Miami
                                                                                                   1 x 60’, 2021, 4K
       The stories of American cities are inextricably linked with the tales of immigrants, making their homes there. And Miami is no exception – in the last century, it has become
       a melting pot of wildlife from around the globe. But now it’s not the people we look at but the animals making Miami their home. This South Florida metropolis has become
       home for Indian peafowls, parrots, peacocks, anoles: small lizards with flashy colours on their throats and giant blue land crabs who migrate from their terrestrial burrows
       to the shallow waters of Biscayne Bay. In the intricate network of canals that cut through the city you can find manatees, alligators, and crocodiles. Tropical aquarium fish,
       released into the city’s waterways by owners weary of caring for them, thrive here along with colourful cichlids and Gambusia. Even a troop of vervet monkeys – hailing
       originally from East Africa – have persisted for decades in the dense mangroves near Fort Lauderdale Airport. As dusk becomes dark in sunny Miami, bats emerge from
       roosts in attics to hunt for prey, and terrestrial carnivores like the raccoon, gray fox, and coyote prowl for whatever prey they can find. However, their fortunes change, the
       animal immigrants of Miami have beaten the odds to gain a foothold on a new continent. But in a city, that’s so intimately linked with the rest of the world, it won’t be long
       before a new generation of animal immigrants arrives, to create a new life for themselves… in ‘Wild Miami’.   13
                                                  Terra Mater Factual Studios/Day’s Edge Productions/Smithsonian Channel
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