Page 17 - Nature & Wildlife 2020/2021
P. 17

    More beautiful than butterflies, better fliers than hummingbirds and with behaviour as intriguing and complex as mammals or birds, dragonflies and damselflies are the ultimate insects. Filmed in unprecedented detail, we’ll explore how dragon and damselflies hold and defend territories; work together in strict hierarchy; and even predict their prey’s movements. A special film depicting some pretty special animals.
Terra Mater Factual Studios
‘Dust and Stripes’ explores the fragility of new life and the strong family ties that help animals survive in one of Africa’s most surreal and difficult landscapes, the arid saltpans of Botswana’s Makgadikgadi Pans. This documentary, focusing on southern Africa’s largest plain zebra population, tells a story of loyalty and sacrifice, of home and exile – of death and new life.
Thirteen WNET/New York/Terra Mater Factual Studios
The nature of our planet – its beauty, complexity and challenges – is bound to the elements. Geological marvels, spectacular weather, mysteries of the plant and animal kingdoms; all inextricably linked and shaped by air, land and water. Each of the three episodes follows the thread of life, entwined with the corresponding element. Life-giving air; the building material that is land; omnipresent water: they all make up the nature of our planet.
Terra Mater Factual Studios
Din is an eight year-old boy who lives on a distant and remote island close to Borneo. He has forged an incredible relationship with one of the world’s rarest mammals – the dugong, or sea cow. This film is their story – recounting the building of this unique friendship and exploring the incredible natural diversity of their turquoise island shores.
Michael Patrick Wong/Off the Fence
Nesting on hydro towers, construction beams, or suburban parks and concrete jungles, bald eagles are majestic predators and masters of survival. Using the social media phenomena ‘nestcams’ we witness their amazing lifecycle, and discover the adaptations they’ve made to be able to thrive in the city. It is possibly the world’s single greatest conservation success story: from the brink of extinction to record numbers in just fifty years.
Parallax Film Productions
Follow 1,200 elephants, the largest group free in the wild, as they gather at Amboseli, Kenya. 53 families, each led by a dominant female, drink from the surface springs fed by Africa’s highest mountain. Each elephant - young baby, mature mother, or huge bull - has its own identifiable character. Each has a name and each has a story.
Mike Birkhead Associates/Off the Fence/ Animal Planet International
Dragons & Damsels
1 x 60’, 2019, 4K
Dugong & Din
1 x 60’, 2008, HD
     Dust And Stripes
1 x 60’, 2012, HD
  Earth: The Nature
Of Our Planet
3 x 60’, 2018, HD
Eagles Next Door
1 x 60’, 2016, HD
  Echo & The Elephants Of Amboseli
13 x 30’, 2009, HD
  Nature & Wildlife

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