Page 115 - THE MAN IN LOVE
P. 115

The Man In Love
Ephesians 5:25,27
Jesus loved the church in order to present to Himself a glorious church, holy and without blemish. The implication of this statement is that the church was not glorious until Jesus loved her. The church, you and I, had multiple spots and wrinkles, shortcomings of all kinds before Jesus took us in and transformed us. We also understand from the scripture above that, it took the love of God in Jesus to transform us successfully into what we never thought we could become, especially in terms of holiness before God.
The very same thing is intended and expected to happen between husbands and their wives when love is in action. The husband through love will transform his wife until she beams with the glory of God, reflecting holiness and being without fault. The husband is required to engage the instrumentality of love to bring out the best in his wife. The husband is held responsible for ‘treating’ the imperfections of the wife with love until she becomes holy and perfect. Nothing short of what Jesus achieved in us through His love is expected as the outcome in the wife of

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